Symptoms that suggest forgetfulness could actually be dementia

Man with dementia
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Dementia can be a devastating diagnosis to receive for both the affected person and their loved ones. It is a group of associated symptoms, known as a syndrome, linked to the progressive decline of the brain.

Although we are more likely to develop dementia the older we are - particularly after we hit 65 - there are other factors at play. Genetics and lifestyle can also determine whether you will have dementia, with around 40 percent of cases thought to be entirely preventable.

Despite the cause, the sooner you spot the signs of dementia the sooner you can seek the right treatment and support. However, detecting the early symptoms can be difficult as they can often be dismissed as a sign of getting older, such as memory loss and forgetfulness.

The Alzheimer’s Society says: “People often forget things more as they get older. Most often this is a normal sign of ageing. Generally, if a problem is mildly annoying but doesn’t affect your ability to do things in everyday life, then it’s unlikely to be a sign of dementia.”

The charity shared three easy ways to tell apart normal age-related forgetfulness with dementia.

Forgetting something you were recently told

Forgetting something you were told a while ago is a typical effect of ageing that you shouldn’t worry about, the Alzheimer's Society explains. But if you’re forgetting things you were only recently told, it could be dementia. You may ask for the same information repeatedly, such as, “Are the doors locked?”

Putting objects in strange places

It is usual to misplace things from time to time, such as your phone, glasses or the TV remote but luckily you can often find them by retracing your steps. However, if you are putting objects in unusual places, for example, putting your house keys in the bathroom cabinet, this could signal dementia.

Being unable to learn new tasks

As we age it can take longer to work out new tasks, although we might get there in the end. However, being completely unable to learn new tasks, like setting up and using a new appliance or device, could be a sign of dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Society warns that someone with dementia is “likely” to have some of these symptoms. But the charity adds: “The changes in the tables below may also be caused by other health conditions.

“For this reason, it’s important not to use these tables to try to diagnose dementia in yourself or someone else. Dementia can only be diagnosed by a qualified health professional.”