Tameside council local election 2024 results in full

Labour retained their stranglehold on Tameside Council but there were upsets in several key seats. The party, who dominate the borough, lost three senior sitting councillors with two independents claiming surprise victories.

David McNally, a Labour councillor in the area for 13 years, local party whip and chair of the planning committee, lost his seat in the St Peter's Ward of Ashton to Independent Kaleel Khan.

Labour said Gaza dominated the campaign there and caused discontent towards the party over their position on the conflict. But Mr Khan insisted he had won on local issues.

Meanwhile, a local community activist, fellow independent Steven Barton, unseated Labour's Jan Jackson, the cabinet member for planning and transport, in Stalybridge North.

READ MORE: Local election 2024 results LIVE: Latest updates from election counts

Ms Jackson's partner Jim Fitzpatrick also lost his seat in Hyde Werneth, where his brother Phil Fitzpatrick stood against him as an independent. And the votes won by Phil proved crucial as Jim, chair of several key council committees, lost out to the Tories' Christopher Halligan.

Labour remains comfortably in control of the authority but their total number of councillors has been cut to 48 with seven Tories and two independents.

The council's leader Ged Cooney insisted the local party 'didnt have great nights and didn't have bad nights' and that the changing of hands of a handful of seats in the borough was the norm. However, both independents claimed a message had been sent to the ruling party.

Once counting got properly underway at gone 3am and the results began to come in, it was a steady start for Labour as they comfortably held the first 10 seats declared.

Local MP Andrew Gwynne had said with the Tories not fielding a full slate of candidates it would be 'interesting to see where the anti-Labour vote goes.'

And the first answer to that question came, with a roar echoing around the main hall of Dukinfield Town Hall, as it was confirmed social worker Mr Khan had snatched Ashton St Peter's from Labour stalwart Mr McNally by 348 votes.

Mr Cooney claimed the conflict in the Middle East had been the deciding factor. "You can't control events, and that is world events and that will be echoed across the whole country. We know there's an issue there and people have concerns about Palestine and we understand that. And people are expressing that with the national party.

"I can't do nothing about that, it's a shame I can understand the concerns people have, and rightly so, and they expressing that." However, he said he was happy with party's position on the issue as 'we've said we want a ceasefire.'

Mr Khan, wearing a rosette in the colours of the Palestinian flag, said the Gaza issue was one which was a 'personal issue.' In his acceptance speech he said: "This is for humanity, peace and community cohesion."

However, he told the Manchester Evening News Gaza 'was not at the forefront of my campaign' and didn't feature in his manifesto which was all about local issues. He said he had 'no political ambitions' but that 'the community had put me forward.'

"I ran a very successful campaign. The communities have woken up for the first time. Our current councillors have been asleep for many, many years and have neglected our ward, and the people have woken up."

During his acceptance speech, he claimed his sister and some volunteers had been injured in an incident which he said was a 'deliberate attempt to sabotage my campaign.' Greater Manchester Police have been contacted for more information.

Afterwards he said he was 'sad' but said he wanted to 'work together' with other parties to improve the ward. Inbetween more Labour holds was more drama as community activist Mr Barton beat Ms Jackson by 116 votes.

Mr Barton previously ran a community centre. He runs a local foodbank and is involved with local youth, sports and mental health groups. He said Labour 'threw everything at it to even get close. "I was fully expecting Keir Starmer to turn up on Ridge Hill.'

Mr Barton, 54, said he was 'not politically minded' and was 'just for the community.' "I can't differienciate between Labour and Tories now. Sometimes they think it's a god given right tobe a councillor. It's an honour and privilege as you have to look after your community." However he praised Labour for running a 'clean campaign.'

Labour hopes to nick a seat off the Tories in Hyde Godley proved overly optimistic. Andrea Colbourne had held onto her seat in dramatic fashion last year when a tie saw the returning officer draw lots

However this year she overcame Labour rival Francesca Coates. And the Tories in fact gained a seat with Mr Halligan's victory in Hyde Werneth by 125 votes, in addition to holding onto the other seat they were defending in Stalybridge South where David Tilbrook was victorious.

George Galloway's Workers Party of Britain fielded one canidate, Audel Shirin who ran against Hugh Roderick in the Hyde Newton ward. He said Labour under Keir Starmer had turned into 'Troy light.'

Beforehand he admitted he was unlikely to win and came last with just 272 votes but said it was 'about getting exposure for the party.'

Speaking once all the results were in, the council leader Mr Cooney said the party still had 'massive majorities' in most of the borough.

"We don't have great nights, we don't have bad nights" he said. "We lose some, we win some.

"We understand there's an issue, world events. We can't do anything about that. We know there was a link between them all. But we have lost three very strong Labour councillors.

"But that's life. And do you know what, we'll be back in two years time, back up again."

Greater Manchester local election results 2024

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