Tarantino's New Film 'Named The Hateful Eight'

Tarantino's New Film 'Named The Hateful Eight'

Quentin Tarantino has chosen the name The Hateful Eight for his next project, which will be a Western, according to rumours.

Hollywood gossip site Deadline is reporting that the Pulp Fiction director has finished a draft and is currently showing it to a series of actors.

Among the names being touted that Tarantino is trying to get on board is Bruce Dern, who appeared in the writer/director's slave drama Django Unchained.

Dern is currently experiencing a renaissance in his twilight years, receiving film award nominations for his role in Tarantino's movie and last year's Nebraska.

Deadline says it is normal for Tarantino to show a script to actors before returning to the work to hone it after he receives feedback.

The other actor who Deadline says has been shown the script is Christoph Waltz, another star who has worked with the director in the past.

Waltz won an Oscar, a Bafta and a Golden Globe for his supporting roles in Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained.

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