Tartan Army in Stuttgart cry "this is our time" as Scots hopeful team can get out group

The Tartan Army party in Stuttgart on Saturday afternoon
-Credit: (Image: Ross Turpie / Daily Record)

The Tartan Army in Stuttgart cry "this is our time" amid hopes the Scotland team can qualify from the group stages of the Euros.

Thousands of loyal fans have descended onto the city for the third leg of the Germany Euro 2024 party.

After securing a point against the Swiss on Wednesday we are now in a do-or-die situation on Sunday.

If the national team picks up three points against the Hungarians then we'll face a nervous wait to see if we've done enough to qualify for the last-16 as one of the best third placed teams.

Otherwise the Tartan Army will be packing their bags and heading home.

Footie fans gathered in Stuttgart city centre in the sun early on Saturday afternoon before the weather took a drastic turn for the worst.

Before the downpour Jamie Hutchison, 45, a painter and decorator from Glasgow, was soaking up the rays enjoying a lager. The 45-year-old said: "This really feels like this is our time. We are so proud to be here and we've got tickets for tomorrow.

James Hutchison from Glasgow with son Alfie and grandpa Frank Joyce
James Hutchison from Glasgow with son Alfie and grandpa Frank Joyce -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

"Stuttgart has been great. We're just going to get a few bevvys tonight and we're looking forward to the match. I think we're going to win 2-1 and finally get out of a group."

Jamie's dad Frank Joyce, 68, a retired electrical engineer from Renfrew, added: "It's about time we did it. I'm getting old now - I need to see Scotland get out of the group stage of a major competition."

Perth lads Logan McConachie, who is the assistant manager at Brechin City FC, his brother Aidan, who works for Perth Council, and their pal Daniel Masson, who is in the Navy, were taking in the sights after arriving in Stuttgart.

The trio had just flown in from Scotland and Logan, 32, said: "We feel like we've had FOMO [fear of missing out] the whole time watching from home. We're buzzing to be here now - the atmosphere is going to be excellent.

"We've got tickets for tomorrow - we're in the Hungary end, though. We're renowned for being friendly so we'll make it work.

"I think we will win and then it will just be dependent on the other results whether or not we get out of the group. After the Swiss game I think we've got a 2-1 win in us."

Aidan McConachie with brother Logan and Daniel Masson
Aidan McConachie with brother Logan and Daniel Masson -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

"We've got tickets for tomorrow - we're in the Hungary end, though. We're renowned for being friendly so we'll make it work.

"I think we will win tomorrow and then it will just be dependent on the other results whether or not we get out the group. We'll just need to wait and see - but after the Swiss game I think we have a win in us, 100%. I think it will be 2-1 to Scotland."

Up towards the city's main square Dylan Wilson and his brother Ben, 14, were enjoying a Coca Cola near Stuttgart's biggest fan zone with their dad Ross in the sun before the weather turned.

Ross Wilson with sons Dylan and Ben
Ross Wilson with sons Dylan and Ben -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

Up towards the city's main square Dylan Wilson and his brother Ben, 14, were enjoying a Coca Cola near Stuttgart's biggest fan zone with their dad Ross.

Dylan, 15, from Perth, said: "We got in yesterday and we've been exploring the city today. The Germans have all been nice and there's loads of Scots here.

"We've got tickets for tomorrow and I think we're going to get the win. I think it's going to be 3-0."

Dad Ross, who is 45, added: "I've followed Scotland all my life. This is their first away trip so we're hoping it's a good omen and their first away game is the one that finally gets us out of the group stages.

"If it's the team that turns up on Wednesday I think we have every chance in the world. I'm not as confident as the boys but I think it will be 2-1."

Martin Macleod, pictured fourth from left at the back, with the Tartan Army and Hungary fans
Martin Macleod, pictured fourth from left at the back, with the Tartan Army and Hungary fans -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

Nearby the Falkirk Tartan Army had just unfurled their huge flag. Martin Macleod, 46, a financial coach from the town, said: "Stuttgart has been amazing. The German people have been so kind, it's been an incredible experience.

"We're just going to have a few beers and hopefully sing ourselves to sleep before the game tomorrow. This is the best chance we're ever going to have to get out of the group. The time is now."

John Paul Smith, 55, a drug and alcohol worker originally from Glasgow, said: "It's been absolutely amazing. I'm over the moon with it. The Germans are amazing, it's a lovely country.

"We've got a ticket for tomorrow and we're absolutely buzzing for it. It feels like it should be our time."

John Paul Smith, Colin Young and Kayden McClue, 15
John Paul Smith, Colin Young and Kayden McClue, 15 -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

His pal Colin Young, 53, originally from Auchinleck in Ayrshire, added: "We've got to go in confident that we can do it tomorrow. None of that defence stuff.

"Steve Clarke just needs a big list of the effort everybody has made to get here. Right through different cities getting overnight buses, different trains.

"There are tens of thousands of us here. I think we'll get through. 2-0."

The Scotland game won't be shown at Stuttgart's biggest fan zone
The Scotland game won't be shown at Stuttgart's biggest fan zone -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

The Schloss Platz fan zone - which is by far the largest holding 30,000 people - will screen Germany’s game against Switzerland, which kicks off at the same time.

Officials say another 'viewing area' at the Stadt Garten (Town Garden) which could hold 16,000, will be set up for the Tartan Army - but only time will tell whether the area will be large enough for the large number of ticketless Scots.

Much like in Cologne the day before the Switzerland match Scots revellers were forced to soak up the atmosphere in torrential rain in the late afternoon on Saturday.

Shaqil Gastasab, 54, a public servant from Glasgow, was sitting near the Schloss Platz when he was approached by the Record.

He said: "It's been a fabulous trip. Stuttgart is great, all we need is the sun to come out. I've got tickets for tomorrow but my friend here is still looking for one.

Shaqil Gastasab and his pal Mark Ainslie
Shaqil Gastasab and his pal Mark Ainslie -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

"We are hoping this is our time to finally get out the group. We've never done it so let's just hope we can get the win that we need.

"I''m pretty old now, I don't know if I'll get another opportunity to come back to a Euros and I'm hoping this time round we're going to do it. I think it will be 2-1 to Scotland."

Clydebank Chairman Grace McGibbon with husband Magnus and Craig and Colin Cameron
Clydebank Chairman Grace McGibbon with husband Magnus and Craig and Colin Cameron -Credit:Ross Turpie / Daily Record

Clydebank FC Chairman Grace McGibbon, 57, added: "Stuttgart has been great. The local people are very hospitable. We're just doing a walking tour today soaking up a bit of culture ahead of the game tomorrow.

"We've got tickets. Just need to get a wee win and I think we've got every opportunity. Some of the results in the group stage so far haven't been what you've been expecting. 1-0 will do me, Super John McGinn. I think we can get that four points and finally do it."

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