Taxi fares could rise under £3 fixed start fee for journeys plan

-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Some taxi fares could rise in line with a request by drivers to "reflect an increase in running costs".

Hartlepool Council endorsed a plan for a £3 fixed start fees for journeys; an increase of 50p. The hike would apply to yellow hackney carriages that use designated taxi ranks, but not to private hire vehicles.

Licensing officers said Hartlepool’s rates were "really low" compared to other councils nationally. The fixed fee increase would apply to two tariffs between 7am and midnight each day. It excludes pricing structures covering bank holidays and the festive period, according to the Local Democracy Reporting Service.

Proposals also include a 50p increase to the additional charge when drivers carry five of more passengers, which is currently £2.50. All 81 hackney carriage owners in the borough were consulted on the proposal, with 16 in favour, eight against and the remaining making no comment.

The proposed tariffs are the highest that can legally be charged, but drivers are allowed to reduce their fares if they want, according to local authority chiefs. Councillor Carole Thompson described the proposed increase as "perfectly reasonable", while councillor Ben Clayton said it was "proportional" and "quite small in the grand scheme of things".

Residents will be given 14 days to have their say on the plans. If any objections are received the matter will be referred back to the licensing committee.

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