Teacher 'racially abused' parent during explosive rant in car park

A teacher who "racially abused" a parent during a row in a car park has been banned from the classroom. Jamal Shah, a teacher at Starbank School in Birmingham, used a racial slur towards the parent who had their children with them in the car, a disciplinary panel heard.

Mr Shah called the victim a slur during the vile tirade. The teacher had denied using the word but was caught saying it on dashcam footage, a report from the panel said.

The 37-year-old has been banned from teaching indefinitely following the shocking incident, which happened away from the school. Mr Shah, who was an agency teacher of nurture at the school, was voluntarily interviewed by police.

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He denied using the word but dashcam footage proved to be his downfall when he was overheard saying it. Support for prosecution was later withdrawn by the victim which meant the teacher faced no criminal action.

But disciplinary proceedings were launched following his actions. The incident happened in May 2020 on a public car park.

The panel took into consideration the altercation involved a parent who had children in their car. Mr Shah also claimed when asked that the racist term "would not be offensive if it was between two people of the same ethnicity".

He also suggested the word could be used as "day-to-day banter between two individuals of the same ethnicity". The panel found the allegations against Mr Shah to be proven.

Even though the incident happened away from the school, they concluded he had fallen short of the standards expected by teachers "both inside and outside of school". The panel said in its report: "The findings of misconduct are serious, and the conduct displayed would be likely to have a negative impact on the individual’s status as a teacher, which could potentially damage the public perception of the teaching profession."

It added: "The panel considered that the victim and their family have the right to be able to drive and park in a car park without receiving verbal racial abuse from another member of the public and, despite the incident only lasting just over 30 seconds, the panel considered the impact Mr Shah’s behaviour may have had on the victim and their family."

Mr Shah was issued with a prohibition order, which bans him from teaching for at least two years.