Teacher sent sexual messages to ex-pupil just weeks after she left school

Haydock High School, now Outwood Academy Haydock
Haydock High School, now Outwood Academy Haydock -Credit:Google

A teacher sent sexual messages to a former pupil just weeks after she left his school.

Adam McCullagh, 32, was a teacher at Haydock High School (now Outwood Academy Haydock) from September 1, 2017 until he resigned from his role on June 29, 2021, having been suspended earlier that year.

A teacher regulation panel met in December 2023 to discuss a range of allegations made against Mr McCullagh, who was accused of sending sexually motivated Instagram and Snapchat messages in August and September 2020 to a pupil who had just left the school. The panel's outcome was published last week.

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Mr McCullagh did not attend the panel hearing, which found that his actions amounted to both unacceptable professional conduct and conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute. As a result, he has been banned from teaching anywhere in England indefinitely.

A public report of the hearing details how, during August and September 2020, Mr McCullagh sent messages to a former pupil, known as student 1, via Instagram and Snapchat.

In her witness statement, student 1 said she left Haydock High School that August but was in daily message contact with Mr McCullagh. He sent her an Instagram message on August 20, wishing her the best for the future and telling her that if she ever needed anything he was only around the corner. She was 16 at the time of the messages being sent.

Student 1 said that Mr McCullagh later added her on Snapchat and began messaging her on there instead of Instagram. She said the conversation topics varied, including topics such as from school to ex-pupils.

She added that she did not meet with Mr McCullagh after she left the school. She also said she declined Mr McCullagh’s offer of being set up on a date with one of his friends, despite him pushing her to change her mind.

She explained that at the time, she did not understand “that what Mr McCullagh was doing and saying was wrong”. She said that some of her friends found out about the messages and told her that it was inappropriate.

The panel considered screenshots of messages Mr McCullagh had sent to student 1 on Instagram. One contained the text "I can [eyes emoji], I know one way I’d like to shut you up", to which student 1 responded "Go on aha x", with Mr McCullagh replying "Ignore me, I’m being rude x" with a laughing emoji.

Another screenshot of messages Mr McCullagh had sent to student 1 on Instagram stated, “Jokes Ignore me again. I’m just in one of them moods x”. student 1 responded, “Ahaha Coolio aha x” and Mr McCullagh replied, “I’ll stop my weird mood before I get myself sacked x”.

The panel found that Snapchat messages sent from Mr McCullagh to student 1 included: "You know what else is hard" with an image of him with his hands down his pants, "I'll be round in 30 mins to join", "I'm at yours now" and "I'll give you the best 30 mins of your life" with a winking emoji.

Mr McCullagh denied sending the Snapchat messages, saying he did not use Snapchat. However, the panel found that, on the balance of probabilities, it was more likely than not that he sent the messages.

On September 30, 2020, two year 12 pupils at the school raised concerns regarding Mr McCullagh's messaging to student 1. On October 1, 2020, the police and the school were contacted with concerns about him.

The panel heard from a witness, known as witness A, who said that the school's protocol is that staff are not allowed to give students their personal phone numbers and that every form of communication needs to be through the system. The witness explained he would expect staff to adhere to the same rules when a student has left the school.

Witness A said he immediately contacted the local authority when he heard an allegation that student 1 had been contacted by Mr McCullagh using a personal social media platform.

Student 1 gave a statement and screenshots to the police. Mr McCullagh was interviewed by officers as a voluntary attendee and was not arrested.

Witness B, a detective investigating the incident, told the hearing she had reviewed Instagram messages between student 1 and Mr McCullagh and found those of a "sexual nature". The police investigation was referred to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) on February 4, 2021.

The police investigation finished on April 29, 2021. The CPS did not authorise any criminal charges as student 1 was older than 16 at the time of the messaging.

Mr McCullagh was suspended from his duty at the school on February 12, 2021. On June 15, he was invited to a disciplinary hearing to take place on June 30. He resigned from his post at Haydock High School on June 29.

On July 1 2021, concerns were referred to the Teaching Regulation Agency by the school. By March 2022, the decision maker considered there was a case to answer.

Over the three day hearing, the panel found the allegations proven and that Mr McCullagh's conduct was sexually motivated. It was satisfied that his behaviour amounted to both unacceptable professional conduct and conduct that may bring the profession into disrepute.

Though the messages took place outside the education setting, the panel found them to be relevant to Mr McCullagh’s profession as a teacher as he was sending inappropriate messages to a former student, who was under the age of 18, and who had very recently left his school.

Mr McCullagh was banned from teaching indefinitely. He cannot teach anywhere in England and will not be allowed to apply for a restoration of his eligibility to teach.

Outwood Academy Haydock has been contacted for comment.

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