Technical issue leads to Red Funnel car ferry cancellations

Red Funnel's Red Eagle vehicle ferry <i>(Image: IWCP)</i>
Red Funnel's Red Eagle vehicle ferry (Image: IWCP)

RED Funnel have cancelled some of its car ferries from the timetable, which could have a knock on effect on the travel arrangements of Isle of Wight Festival goers.

Due to a technical issue on the aft engine of the Red Eagle, the 1pm crossing from Southampton to East Cowes was cancelled, with the 2.30pm from East Cowes cancelled.

Then it was the 4pm from Southampton and 5.30pm from East Cowes affected.

It is not known whether the issue will continue inti the evening, which could affect the travel arrangements of Isle of Wight Festival goers.

The company has apologised for any inconvenience caused.