Teen arsonist Johnny Brady located after escaping mental health facility and spending four days on run

A serial arsonist who went missing from a mental health hospital has been located after he spent four days on the run.

The public had been warned not to approach Johnny Brady "under any circumstances" after he absconded from St Andrew's Healthcare facility in Northampton on New Year's Eve.

The 19-year-old was serving a hospital order for serious assault and arson.

But Northamptonshire Police said Brady was found "safe and well" around 9.30am on Wednesday morning.

The force said: "The force's control room received a call from a member of the public reporting that they had seen Brady in the Crestwood Road area of Northampton.

"Officers were immediately deployed to the area where Brady was found. He is now being taken back to his place of care."

Detective Sergeant Torie Harrison, said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the public for all their help over the past four days in sharing our media appeals and calling us with information.

"It has been invaluable and the reason why we have been able to find Brady safe and well.

"He will now be returned to St Andrew's Hospital where his treatment needs can be met."

Police had issued an urgent appeal to trace Brady and said on New Year's Day he may be linked to three separate overnight fires involving bags of rubbish which occurred near the hospital grounds.

Convicted sex offender also escaped

Another patient also escaped from the hospital in recent days, though Brady's breakout is not thought to have been related.

Nicholas Courtney, 43, a convicted sex offender, was located and returned to the facility on Sunday.