Teenage boy in court over Bermondsey Christmas Eve death

A Metropolitan Police officer at the scene outside Spenlow House in Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, south-east London, where a 22-year-old woman died from a stab injury on Christmas Eve (Jordan Pettitt/PA) (PA Wire)
A Metropolitan Police officer at the scene outside Spenlow House in Jamaica Road, Bermondsey, south-east London, where a 22-year-old woman died from a stab injury on Christmas Eve (Jordan Pettitt/PA) (PA Wire)

A teenage boy has appeared in court accused of murdering a 22-year-old woman on Christmas Eve.

Kacey Clarke died after being stabbed in a residential property in Bermondsey, south-east London, on Sunday December 24 2023.

The 16-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested a short time later and appeared at the Old Bailey on Tuesday charged with murder.

During the brief hearing, a trial date was set for July 15 and the boy was remanded in youth detention.

Metropolitan Police officers were called to the scene at Spenlow House, in Jamaica Road, shortly after 10pm.

A post-mortem examination gave Ms Clarke’s cause of death as a single, sharp-force trauma to the chest.