Teenager banned from classroom after shaving his head for cancer charity

A teenager has been removed from classes after he shaved his curly locks in aid of a cancer charity.

Taylor Jones, 15, was told his newly-shaved head constituted an “extreme hairstyle” when he returned to school after the Easter holidays.

The teen, who goes to Launceston College in Cornwall, is now being given “individual specialist tuition” for four days until it grows back.

Taylor’s mum, Lesley, has blasted the school for punishing her son when all he was doing was trying to raise money for Cancer Research UK after a friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

She said: “Everywhere has rules, but I just think in this circumstance, they could make an exception.”

Taylor Jones had been growing his hair in preparation for the big shave (Lesley Jones)
Taylor Jones had been growing his hair in preparation for the big shave (Lesley Jones)

“They could have had an assembly and recognised what Taylor had done, but pointed out that normally, this haircut wouldn’t be appropriate for school.”


Taylor had been growing his hair for months for the June event but his father suggested doing it at Easter as his locks were starting to cover his face.

Launceston College principal Bryan Maywood said Taylor could return to class once his hair starts to grow back.

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He said: “After this period his hair will no longer be considered an extreme hairstyle; he will return to normal lessons.”

According to the college, Taylor was advised before the holiday to have his hair cut to a “very short but acceptable length”.

Mr Maywood added that Taylor “went against the advice” of having his hair cut to an “acceptable length” by having it shaved “extremely short in the days immediately before term began”.

Top pic: Lesley Jones