Teenager jailed after random hammer attack on three Tube passengers

Jamal Walker attacked three men on the Victoria Line. (SNWS)
Jamal Walker attacked three men on the Victoria Line. (SNWS)

A teenager launched a hammer attack on three Tube passengers in London, leaving one with a fractured skull.

Jamal Walker, 19, attacked three men at random with the weapon after boarding a southbound Victoria Line train at Walthamstow Central station on 29 October 2020.

Walker started circling the hand pole in the middle of the carriage after the train pulled out of Tottenham Hale station before suddenly lashing out.

He took the hammer out of his bag and launched a vicious attack against two male passengers, hitting one of them over the head repeatedly.

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When the train arrived at the next station, Seven Sisters, Walker tried to leave but came face to face with a third man who was waiting to board.

He struck him across the head with the hammer before jumping back on the train.

He then went on to chase his first two victims through the carriages as other passengers scattered.

His first victim spent 10 days in hospital after suffering a fractured skull and lacerations.

The third victim was also treated in hospital for a head wound, while the second suffered minor injuries, but did not require hospital treatment.

Forensic tests carried out on a carton of apple juice and the weapons Walker had left at the scene led police to his home address in Harlow where he was arrested.

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In his police interview, Walker was unable to give any explanation as to why he attacked the men other than he had been “stressed” during the day.

Walker pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent, grievous bodily harm without intent, attempted grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of an offensive weapon when he appeared at Southwark Crown Court.

He was sentenced to 12 years in prison with an extended licence period of five years.

Detective Inspector Gary Pinner, of British Transport Police (BTP), said: “This was one of the most shocking and senseless acts of violence I have come across in my entire career, and it was inflicted on three innocent men without any provocation.

“Walker is clearly an incredibly dangerous individual, and it is only through luck that his victims weren’t more seriously injured."

DI Pinner added: “While this was a truly horrifying experience for them, I’d like to reassure the public that incidents like this are thankfully extremely rare on the railway network.

“We are also lucky to police a CCTV rich environment which captured the incident in its entirety and proved invaluable in helping to bring Walker to justice.

“I am relieved to know he’ll now be spending the foreseeable future behind bars.”

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