Terms of endearment much loved by anyone who grew up in Liverpool

Children enjoying the entertainment at the Croxteth Hall Hey Day. June 23, 1991
Children enjoying the entertainment at the Croxteth Hall Hey Day. June 23, 1991 -Credit:Mirrorpix

Liverpudlians aren't shy when it comes to showing affection to our nearest and dearest, with Scouse terms of endearments being a love language for many.

Many Scouse words stick around for a long time, with many of us using the same terms and phrases our grandparents would have used. Some are universal to English-speakers, but the way they're used can differ from place to place.

But if you grew up in the city or wider Merseyside, you'll likely know their unique context, or how regularly they are used. Some have become synonymous with our culture, whereas others have been a part of day-to-day conversations for generations.

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Here, we take a look at just a handful of terms of endearment much loved by anyone who grew up in Liverpool. You can see them in our list below.

This list isn't intended to be comprehensive. But if you have any suggestions, let us know in the comments section.


If you've grown up in Liverpool, you'll have likely heard different people being referred to as 'love." Often used by anyone to anyone, it can be used by older people when talking to younger generations, as well as partners or even someone you’re vaguely fond of.


This is proper Scouse and you can't live in the city without hearing this. Lad, or even La, is generally used for a young boy or a man. La was immortalised by Scouse band The La's and can sometimes just be used to refer to someone as a mate.


This one is a favourite with the nans. Queen is often used as a term of endearment for a woman you know well, especially family.


This is another affectionate term used between Scouse women. It's used elsewhere in the UK, but it's been popularly used here for generations.

Our Kid/Kidda

This term of endearment is very well-known. Kid or kidda often references a brother or a good friend, usually someone who is younger. And at one point, we've all been called 'our kid,' 'our baby' or 'our insert name*,' even by people we're not related to.


A form of Mrs, this can be used less affectionately between men in reference to their wives. But it is also used as a term of endearment between Liverpool women.


This may seem obvious - but Scousers use mate even for people they don't know. If you're thanking someone or saying goodbye, mate as a term of endearment often follows.

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