I was terrified of planes for years. 7 things helped me get over my fear and become a frequent flyer.

  • I was always afraid of traveling by plane, and I didn't take my first flight until I was 25.

  • In the two years since then, I've taken about a dozen flights and have grown to love air travel.

  • Getting a window seat and bringing books with me are some of the seven things that have helped me.

For most of my life, I was terrified by the thought of traveling by plane.

Insider reporter Amanda Krause on her first plane ride.
I took this selfie during my first plane ride two years ago.Amanda Krause/Insider

I'm not sure where my fear of flying stemmed from, but I always hated the idea of being off the ground. I never had any urge to hop on a cruise ship, and the thought of getting on an airplane was even scarier.

Luckily, I never had much of a need to do the latter. My family always drove to Disney World when we vacationed there throughout my childhood, and all of my friends and family lived nearby.

Still, I've always had dreams of visiting places that I can't reach by car, so I knew I'd have to overcome my fear someday.

But two years after my first flight, I've been on almost a dozen planes and have grown to love air travel.

The view from a plane window.
Luckily, I'm no longer scared of traveling by plane.Amanda Krause/Insider

I took my first plane ride — a short trip down the East Coast — in 2021, and have traveled by air multiple times since. I've gone to Florida a few times, Colorado on multiple occasions, and even California on one trip.

Looking back, there were a few things that really helped me get through my first flight. And even today, there are a handful of tactics I rely on to keep me calm when nerves creep back up.

I made sure that my first flight was a short one, and I thanked myself for that later.

Insider reporter Amanda Krause poses in front of Disney World's Cinderella Castle.
I flew from New Jersey to Florida on my first flight, spending only two hours in the air.Amanda Krause/Insider

Flights from Newark, New Jersey, to Orlando, Florida, usually take two and a half hours. Despite my nerves, I felt reassured knowing that I'd only be in the air for a short time as I made my way to Disney World.

Of course, you can't always choose the length or even destination of your flight if you're traveling for work or an emergency.

But if you're mainly looking to overcome a fear of flying, I'd recommend planning a weekend trip with short, direct flights, almost like a practice run for more ambitious travel in the future.

Traveling with a family member by my side was another big help.

A flight menu
My dad and I browse a snack menu on a flight to California.Amanda Krause/Insider

Two years ago, the only thing I found scarier than getting on a plane was traveling alone. So for my first two flights, I brought my dad along with me.

He answered any questions I had, sat next to me on the plane, and most importantly, endured my nervous energy until we landed.

Today, I fly alone all the time. But it was really nice to be accompanied by someone I feel safe with when flying for the first time.

Prior to my flight, I talked to anyone and everyone I could about air travel.

Reporter Amanda Krause and her sister text about flight tips.
Before boarding my first flight, I sent the above text to my sister asking for advice.Amanda Krause/Insider

I'm a naturally anxious person. I read menus before going to new restaurants and scope out parking before driving to new places.

So naturally, I needed to know as much as possible about flying — from the security line to the boarding process — before I even started packing.

So I reached out to one of my best friends who travels to Orlando every year, and my sister, a frequent flyer who's been all over the country.

Sure, I could have watched a YouTube video or read blogs about what the airport was like. But my sister and lifelong friend know me well. They knew what scared me and what didn't, and they were able to address the specific things I wanted to know.

I've now overcome my fear of flying, but there are still some tactics I use to keep any remaining anxiety at bay. The main one is bringing a book and headphones on every flight.

My seat on my first flight.
I can't travel without bringing a book to read.Amanda Krause/Insider

Music and books are daily comforts in my life, so it only makes sense to have both on flights.

I either bring a paperback book or read via the Kindle app on my phone, pack two pairs of headphones (in case one breaks or runs out of battery), and I download my entire Spotify library to be available offline.

In doing so, I have multiple forms of entertainment for the plane and airport, and two things on hand that can help ease my nerves if I feel anxious.

I also try to get a window seat whenever possible

The view from a plane window seat.
I love the views from the window and feel comforted when I can see outside the plane.Amanda Krause/Insider

For many people, looking at the sky from plane windows is terrifying. But I actually find the sight comforting.

When I've been assigned middle and aisle seats, I felt trapped by other passengers and the plane itself. Only being able to see the white walls of the plane made me feel like I'd never escape.

But when I can see the clouds and landscape beneath me, it helps me put everything into perspective. And besides, the view from the air is often stunning.

Wearing layers and soft clothes is key to feeling comfortable.

Airport essentials.
On my most recent flight, I wore my usual leggings and slip-on sneakers.Amanda Krause/Insider

I wore tight-fitting jeans and a T-shirt on my first flight. Not only were my pants uncomfortable, but I was also freezing without a jacket.

Today, my airport uniform is a lot cozier — usually involving leggings, a T-shirt layered underneath a cute sweater, and slip-on Vans.

Am I the most fashionable person at the airport? No. But flights can be anxiety-inducing enough on their own. Why add the stress of uncomfortable clothes on top of that?

Finally, I've found that spending a little extra time at the airport can make all the difference.

My suitcase and snacks during a recent flight.
I like to stop at McDonald's and read a book while I wait to board.Amanda Krause/Insider

Just like wearing uncomfortable clothes, rushing to your flight will make any pre-existing nerves worse. So I've found that arriving early, going through security, and relaxing at your gate can prevent that entirely.

I usually get to the airport three hours before boarding, which probably seems like a lot. And sometimes it is.

On occasions when security lines weren't long, I've spent at least two of those hours sitting at my gate.

But I actually love doing that. I can read a book, get a snack, and completely relax before traveling. Even though it's time-consuming, I wouldn't change it.

Read the original article on Insider