'Terrorist gun attack' plot in Scots city uncovered by cops in major operation

Police Scotland led a counter terrorism investigation titled Operation Ferulic
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

A terrorist gun attack plot in Scotland was uncovered by cops, after a major multi-agency operation.

Police Scotland led a counter-terrorism probe dubbed Operation Ferulic which involved teams from across the nation’s law enforcement agencies.

A 16-year-old was arrested and charged in connection under the Terrorism Act 2000.

In a report by the National Crime Agency, the force revealed how it deployed teams to help an investigation led by Police Scotland into "the apparent preparation for a firearms attack in the Edinburgh area".

Several specialists from the NCA's Major Crime Investigative Support unit were drafted in to the op.

Forensic clinical psychologists, behavioural investigative advisors and interview advisors were provided for several meetings in the operation focussed on Edinburgh between October 2023 and March this year.

Details of the firearms plot emerged in a National Crime Agency (NCA) report detailing the NCA's activities in Scotland between October 2023 and March 2024.

The force’s Major Crime Investigative Support (MCIS) provided advice and support to Police Scotland on 39 cases and deployed officers on 46 occasions between October 2023 and March 2024, the report states.

Cases included murder, rape, suspicious/unexplained deaths and missing persons.

The NCA is the UK's top agency against organised crime including human, weapon and drug trafficking, and cybercrime and economic crime.

In December, the NCA supported a Police Scotland operation against modern slavery and human trafficking.

The inquiry targeted an Eastern European organised crime group operating north of the border and focussed on the laundering of £500,000.

The group is believed to bring vulnerable Romanian women as young as 18 into the UK and force them to work in brothels.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "On 10 August, 2023, a 16-year-old youth was arrested and charged in connection with an offence under the Terrorism Act 2000 and a breach of the peace.

"They appeared at Livingston Sheriff Court on 27 October 2023."

The NCA has been contacted for comment.

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