Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda, Morrisons drivers warned not to use 'stop' and 'start' technology

New technology coming to UK cars could help drivers save on petrol and diesel fuel. Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons drivers could save cash amid skyrocketing petrol and diesel fuel rates and record prices at the pumps - thanks to "data tracking".

The new tech "automatically" determines the best routes for motorists, ensuring road users and drivers are being fuel efficient and are keeping their costs down amid the Cost of Living crisis. Automotive specialist Crystal Voogd, spokesperson for 5 Star Car Title Loans, said: “Future cars will be supercomputers.

"Imagine cars with full 5G capabilities, able to update navigation based on real-time traffic conditions automatically. Cars that will suggest or automatically go a certain speed to get the best fuel efficiency." Drivers are told to avoid using the stop/start traffic function and refrain from heavy idling which affects the consumption of fuel.

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Crystal went on and said this week: "Cars that will predict where you want to go at what times based on your habits. Cars that will automatically connect to the rest of your smart devices and share information. Science fiction movies predicted flying cars in the future, but these smart vehicles of the future might be just as awesome.”

Google Maps said back in 2021 it will start directing drivers to routes it calculates to be the most eco-friendly based on a list of factors. The search engine said it will highlight journeys that generate the lowest carbon footprint using mainly traffic data and road inclines.

"What we are seeing is for around half of routes, we are able to find an option more eco-friendly with minimal or no time-cost trade-off," Russell Dicker, a director of product at Google said. When launched, the default route on the Google Maps app will be the "eco-friendly" option, unless users choose to opt out of it.