Tesco shares essential tips for storing potatoes to keep them fresh for months

-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

It's no secret that we're all looking to make our money stretch a bit further these days, especially when it comes to groceries.

Supermarket giant Tesco has shared a helpful hint about how to keep potatoes fresher for longer - and the good news is, it won't cost you a penny.

Tesco revealed: "By following a few simple steps, you can keep your potatoes nearly as fresh as the day you bought them, for up to six months."

The supermarket advised: "Your spuds need air circulation, so don't suffocate them in a plastic bag."

It's important to keep the spuds in a cool, dark place to prevent sprouting, reports the Express.

The supermarket also suggested: "So, if you want your spuds to stay in tip-top condition, we recommend popping them in a paper bag and stashing them away in a dark place of your choosing: a porch cupboard or garden shed are all great options, and there's always the fridge (if you've got the space)."

Crucially, it said: "It's important not to wash the potatoes, as this adds moisture that can encourage them to sprout."

Tesco added another tip: "Instead, get rid of most of the dirt by brushing it off. Store in a well-ventilated, cool, dry place below 10 degrees Celsius."

It also warned: "Check every few weeks to ensure that there aren't any sprouted or spoiled spuds in the batch, as they can ruin all your hard work."

While potato storage may seem straightforward, Luke Willcox of Seasonal Spuds said: "Official guidance from WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) has advised that the best way to store potatoes is in the fridge. Storing them in the fridge helps them last more than three times as long as storing at room temperature, whilst also reducing food waste."

However, another food expert disputes this advice. Addison LaBonte, a recipe developer and founder of Watch Learn Eat, warned against refrigerating potatoes.

She explained: "Putting potatoes in the fridge can increase the amount of sugar they contain, which is what can give them that sweet taste, and lead to a chemical reaction leading to higher levels of a chemical called acrylamide when the potatoes are baked, fried or roasted at high temperatures. "LaBonte added, "This can pose a health problem and may be why you see some places suggest against storing potatoes in the fridge if at all possible."

Finally, lifestyle maven Martha Stewart's website states that potatoes should not be stored with onions due to the ethylene gas that onions release. This could cause the potatoes to sprout prematurely and even absorb a distinct onion flavour.

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