Tesla poaches social media genius behind 'absolute unit' sheep meme

Elon Musk's Twitter activity is unusually high in jokes for an automotive CEO  - AP/Museum of English Rural Life
Elon Musk's Twitter activity is unusually high in jokes for an automotive CEO - AP/Museum of English Rural Life

Of all Elon Musk's recent social media antics, his Twitter appreciation for the Museum of English Rural life is among the more wholesome.

And now the Tesla billionaire has apparently managed to poach the Reading-based museum's social media manager for his own communications team.

Adam Koszary, who authored a viral tweet about a ram which the entrepreneur briefly used as his Twitter profile image last month, said on Tuesday morning that he would be joining the California-based carmaker as a social media manager.

Tesla declined to comment, but the Royal Academy, where Mr Koszary had previously said he was moving to work as social media editor, apparently confirmed the news.

A tweet from its official Twitter account said: "Sob! We’re obviously very sad that the lovely and talented Adam now won’t be joining us, but know he’ll do a great job at Tesla."

Mr Koszary was the author of a tweet which included an archive image of an Exmoor Horn aged ram from Somerset, which was posted alongside the caption: "look at this absolute unit".  At the time of writing it has received 31,000 retweets and 111,000 likes.

The tweet prompted Mr Musk to change his Twitter bio to "absolute unit" and his profile picture to the same image, and to add the museum to the 84 accounts he follows.  In response MERL changed its own profile image to one of Mr Musk.

The chief executive's social media behaviour has also landed him in serious trouble. Last year he had to agree to have his tweets checked by a lawyer after a US regulator sued him over a tweet claiming that he had secured funding to take his company private.