Thank goodness the woeful Crown has come to an end

the crown
Wyatt: 'By putting its empty untrue besides the true, The Crown has been guilty of the worst casting and inaccuracies in the history of television"' - Netflix

When I think of the late Queen this time of the year, I think of an age that is lost. An age of clean tradition and aristocracy in the true sense of the word; of honesty, public spirit, honour and above all, courage. I think of the Queen particularly at Christmas because her simple faith and Christian spirit shone in contrast to the appetites of the plutocracy in which we live, in which there is no higher striving than the striving for what money can buy us. The Queen, curiously, never cared much for Christmas presents, and would have been appalled if any member of her family had given her an expensive one. Christmas to her was remembering whose birthday it actually was.

In this light, the last episodes of The Crown have been abysmal viewing, without any semblance of authenticity, or what the French call bonté, in its leading players. Imelda Staunton’s Elizabeth has been spiritually and morally timorous and would not have obliged anyone by expressing the desire – revealed last week by the Princess Royal – to die in England to save her staff bother.

the crown queen elizabeth
Olivia Colman, Imelda Staunton and Claire Foy all portrayed the Queen - Netflix

The main trouble is that after the triumph of the first two series of The Crown, Peter Morgan cast actresses with Republican faces in the leading roles. Olivia Colman was a modern-day Madame Defarge, all pursed-lip left wingery, while Ms Staunton resembles the leader of a female Soviet tank corps.

Of The Crown’s trio of monarchs, only Claire Foy captured the regal loveliness of the Queen I remember and was fortunate enough to know. For loveliness it was, and age and custom could not dim it. Strictly speaking, Queen Elizabeth was not what Truman Capote would have called “a swan among swans”. She was neither a Vogue fashion plate, like the current Princess of Wales, nor an ostentatious beauty. Before drink and disappointment ruined her, Princess Margaret was the sister who possessed a peerless physical distinction.

But, as Foy alone seemed cognisant, the Queen had the bloom of something more. She had that elusive bat squeak of sex appeal. British monarchs are not often alluring. The House of Windsor, with its stolid German origins, has not distinguished itself by its enamelled progeny. But out of that desert, the Queen stood up. It was in the glint of her cerulean eyes, which she often turned on me at winter race meetings, her dewy complexion, and the hint of larceny in her broad smile, made exciting by the slash of showgirl red lipstick she always wore.

'As Foy alone seemed cognisant, the Queen had that elusive bat squeak of sex appeal'
'As Foy alone seemed cognisant, the Queen had that elusive bat squeak of sex appeal' - Netflix

By putting its empty untrue besides the true, The Crown has been guilty of the worst casting and inaccuracies in the history of television. They haven’t even got the decor right. Why, for instance, the hotel lobby-style flowers in the royal residences? Highgrove, and I have been there, is not an homage to the greatest hits of Constance Spry, souped up for the 21st century. It’s a house in the country, with wild flowers in old vases. The Crown’s only cast member of any distinction has been Lesley Manville as Princess Margaret, only she’s far too nice. I knew Princess Margaret quite well, and I was more frightened of her than any person I have ever met.

That Liz Taylor lookalike constantly berated me for my choice of clothes and insisted I stand until she chose to sit, which she seldom did. The real Margaret lived an unsatisfying life of gin and the bitters of selfishness. It is a lie that her fabled relationship with Group Captain Peter Townsend was some swooning Abelard and Heloise affair. She tossed him aside with freon in her veins when it became clear that a marriage between them would mean giving up her titles and her legion of flunkeys.

Long before Meghan Markle, Margaret conflated the idea of being royal with being a celebrity and sought out shallow companions who worshipped at her dazzling shrine. She genuinely liked few people in her life, and contrary to The Crown’s narrative, was jealous of, and sometimes loathed, Princess Diana.

The Queen Mother’s cousin, John Bowes-Lyon, told me that at the princess’s funeral, Margaret exhibited no grief and harped on about the poor plumbing at her Kensington Palace apartments, even badgering the Queen about it during the procession. The British people sidestepped a monarchical mantrap getting Elizabeth as the first-born child.

This sacred monster also had a habit of turfing elderly aristocrats out of their homes. When I was a teenager, the homme de letters Sir Harold Acton told me over lunch at his villa in Florence: “I’ve just had Princess Margaret and her entourage to stay here. Or rather my staff did. She said to me I would be more comfortable relocating to a hotel.” The Crown missed a trick with that one.

Women have always held the key to the Special Relationship

The Heritage Foundation think tank declared recently that the Special Relationship is in a parlous state, due partly to Joe Biden’s apparent disdain for England. The truth is, however, if only men like Biden knew it, that the Special Relationship was founded on sex, not politics. The new hit Apple TV series The Buccaneers, based on Edith Wharton’s unfinished novel, illustrates this point. Set in the late 19th century, The Buccaneers follows the lives of a group of American heiresses who are thrust on the English debutante market by their socially ambitious mothers, the aim being aristocratic matches to the scions of Britain’s greatest families.

The Buccaneers is based on the real-life women known as the Dollar Princesses, whose destinies shaped not only society, but the fates of Britain and America. Take the fabled Consuelo Vanderbilt, whose marriage to the Duke of Marlborough, in November 1895, was the wedding of the year, causing a stampede. The 18-year-old Consuelo was the leading Dollar Princess and the greatest heiress in America, worth an estimated £4 billion. England needed such women. By the 1870s, the British ruling class was in an economic crisis, with many of its members threatened with financial ruin.

The hit new Apple TV series The Buccaneers is based on the unfinished Edith Wharton novel about the Dollar Princesses - Angus Pigott/Apple TV

A new breed of plutocrat was emerging in America, however, and between 1874 and 1911, three hundred women like Consuelo married into the British aristocracy. These included the voluptuous Mary Leiter, daughter of Levi Z Leiter of Marshall Field & Co, who wed the brilliant George Nathaniel Curzon, whose appointment as Viceroy of India propelled his bride to the highest political rank yet held by an American woman. Some of the Dollar Princesses were to influence the course of history, particularly in the case of the witty and ravishing Jennie Jerome, who might be called the actual mother of the Special Relationship.

jennie jerome
The witty and ravishing Jennie Jerome married Lord Randolph Churchill, resulting in son Winston - Getty

Independent minded and sensuously beautiful, Jennie was one of the first women to sport tattoos. Her marriage to politician Lord Randolph Churchill, resulted in son Winston, the great war leader and one of the most famous Britons of all time, whose bust Biden disobliging removed from the Oval Office, apparently in ignorance of the fact that Churchill was half American. Another stylish heiress, Nancy Langhorne of Virginia, married Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor, and went on to become Britain’s first female seated Member of Parliament. From 1876 to 1914, the Dollar Princesses injected in excess of $1 billion into the British economy and had a far greater and wide-ranging impact on the country they had married into than anyone could have realised.

As a result of these 300 or so unions, the English ruling class became Americanised in its political outlook and sympathies, a sentiment that was reciprocated in the US to great historical effect. In 1932 Consuelo Marlborough built Casa Alva, an ornate Palm Beach mansion just south of Palm Beach in Florida. Winston Churchill, who used to stay with her there, is said to have written his 1946  “Iron Curtain” speech, warning of the dangers of Communism, in the library. I bet Sleepy Joe didn’t know that. Let us have more marriages.

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