Thanks and well wishes for senior Coventry nurse retiring after 50 years of dedication to NHS

Bev Spencer worked at University Hospital Coventry in Walsgrave
Bev Spencer worked at University Hospital Coventry in Walsgrave -Credit:UHCW/Facebook

Readers have heaped well-wishes on a much-loved Coventry woman who has retired after years of dedication to the NHS. Bev Spencer has been hailed 'amazing' by many who described working alongside her as an 'absolute pleasure.'

Bev spent an incredible 52 years with the NHS in Coventry and Warwickshire. She completed her final shift at University Hospital Coventry last Saturday (April 27).

Bev said she will miss the people that she has worked with over the years 'the most.' A spokesman for the UHCW NHS Trust thanked the mum-of-two for her years of 'loyalty and dedication.'

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Bev was said to have had a long career which spanned across Coventry and Warwickshire, working in Gulson Road, Whitley and Paybody. Many have congratulated the grandma-of-seven on her years of unwavering commitment to the NHS.

Teresa Timms said: “I worked with her at Coventry and Warwick many years ago, a beautiful lady.” Margarita Keenan commented: “Time to put your feet up, Bev.”

Memish Tinish said: “You care for me like I am your own! I will miss you at work but will not forget the good virtues you have taught me.”

Trevor Price commented: “Aw Bev, it was great to work with you.” Louise Beech said: “You are going to be missed, Bev.”

Elaine J Gray said: “Such lovely memories of an amazing lady.” Carly Nock wrote: “What an amazing achievement! Thanks so much for all the many years of service.”

Mary Garrard said: “Congratulations. It has been great working with you.” Lynda Kalns commented: “Wishing you a long and happy retirement, Bev.”

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