The language of 'Love Island': Your guide to understanding the reality dating show

Love Island contestants Lucie Donlan and Anna Vakili (ITV)
Love Island contestants Lucie Donlan and Anna Vakili (ITV)

Love Island has coined some interesting terms over the last few years, leaving many of us feeling like we’re listening to a whole new language whenever we tune into the ITV dating show.

And this year’s series is no exception, with Lucie Donlan trying to establish a new catchphrase for the show in the very first episode.

In her intro video, the surfer from Newquay introduced viewers to the word ‘bev’, which naturally has absolutely nothing to do with drinks. Instead, she says it’s a word she uses to describe attractive men.

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Lucie's new catchphrase hasn't yet caught on (ITV)
Lucie's new catchphrase hasn't yet caught on (ITV)

It’s safe to say that the phrase hasn’t yet caught on, with many viewers describing her attempt to make it popular as a bit ‘cringey’, but at least your urban vocabulary has now increased by one, almost certainly unusable word.


But If all of this is making you feel like you’re part of the older generation, and you’re still unsure what ‘pied’ or ‘salty’ mean, don’t threat.

Here’s a handy guide to the Love Island lingo that’s bound to take over for the next couple of months.

Sharif Lanre on Love Island 2019 (ITV)
Sharif Lanre on Love Island 2019 (ITV)

Melt: Has multiple meanings. Used to mean an abolute idiot, when one is acting soft over a potential love interest or when someone gives in too easily.
Example: “You’re being a complete melt.”

Pied: Essentially means getting a figurative cream pie to the face. Usually used for when someone has been dumped or ignored by their partner/love interest.
Example: “She completely pied him off.”

Muggy: Forget this meaning a hot and humid day. In the world of reality TV, it stands for someone who is lying and taking you for a fool. Like when a guy tells you one thing and then does the complete opposite.
Example: “Why are you being so muggy?”


Crack On: ‘Crack on’ is what it says on the tin. A person will say this when they’re letting you know their romantic intentions with a man or woman.
Example: “Watch me crack on with him later.”

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Love Island's Anton Danyluk (ITV)
Love Island's Anton Danyluk (ITV)

Extra: This literally makes no sense but is used by plenty of people anyway. ‘Extra’ is essentially when someone is being over the top. Simple.
Example: “Why are you being so extra?”

Grafting: Apparently originating from Scotland, this term means to put in work with a potential romantic partner. Can be anything from paying them a compliment to buying them a car.
Example: “Alex is grafting on Olivia.”

Salty: No one can decide on one definition of ‘salty’. It can mean anything from being angry and upset to sexy and attractive. Generally, it should be used when someone gets annoyed after something doesn’t go their way.
Example: “You’re only salty because you lost.”


Lit: When something is so amazing you just can’t express it in any rational way.
Example: “That party last night was lit.”

Amber Gill on Love Island 2019 (ITV)
Amber Gill on Love Island 2019 (ITV)

The ick: ‘The ick’ describes the feeling you sometimes get after a couple of dates with a person you’re unsure about. It’s that feeling of disgust you experience when thinking about any kind of intimacy with said person.
Example: “He’s giving me the ick.”

Stick it on her/him: This one’s not too tricky. To ‘stick it on’ someone means to make a move or flirt outrageously until they’re yours.
Example: “I’m going to stick it on her tonight.”

Bev: As mentioned above, ‘bev’ is the latest entry to the Love Island dictionary, which isn’t short for beverage or Beverly. Instead, it’s a word used to describe an attractive person, obviously. Example: “He’s a right bev, he is.”