The Traitors viewers have same burning question that needs answering

Will The Traitors star Diane drink from the poisoned chalice?

Will Diane drink from the poisoned chalice on The Traitors? (Studio Lambert)
Will Diane drink from the poisoned chalice on The Traitors? (Studio Lambert)

There has been a buzz over whether Diane will be murdered on The Traitors on Wednesday and everyone is asking the same question.

Last week, viewers were shocked when retired teacher and loyal faithful Diane was handed the poison chalice by traitor Miles in Friday's episode. The traitors were tasked with murdering in plain sight by getting an unwitting faithful to drink from the poisoned chalice.

As this task was used in the first series, some viewers have clung onto the hope that Diane could suspect something is up before she takes a sip of the fizzy rose wine. The episode was left on a huge cliffhanger leaving everyone guessing what was going to happen.

Hordes of fans took to social media to ask the same burning question that needs answering: Did Diane drink from the cup? Among the comments, fans wrote: "Me and the Mrs debating what's happened to Diane on The Traitors."

Will Diane drink from the poisoned chalice?

Traitor Miles handed Diane the poisoned chalice in Friday's episode. (Studio Lambert)
Traitor Miles handed Diane the poisoned chalice in Friday's episode. (Studio Lambert)

"The only important question I’m asking today. Do you think Diane will drink from the chalice?" More Traitors fans took to social media to ponder what was going to happen: "Manifesting for Diane to do this in the first minute of tonight's The Traitors."

"I honestly think the Traitors ran out of time. Ie: even if Diane does drink, it doesn't matter as it was after midnight... Holding out for this potential miracle!"

"Did Diane drink, or did Diane not drink? That is the question. The Traitors."

"Everyone being stressed about Diane being murdered tonight and me just sitting unbothered cos the way she treated Anthony made me uncomfortable The Traitors."

Will Diane become a traitor?

The Traitors could be looking to recruit again. (Studio Lambert)
The Traitors could be looking to recruit again. (Studio Lambert)

Some people have gone as far as predicting that Diane could become a traitor, instead of being murdered. In the first episode of the series, the traitors were tasked with choosing their fourth and final traitor so this would not be unheard of. The traitors have been one traitor down since Ash was banished at the roundtable.

Weighing in on the theory, one person predicted how this could play out in the series: "In Othello (the book they opened to get the chalice) there was no literal poison used but instead symbolically described Lago poisoning Othello's mind to change him."

Another questioned: "I just seen a TikTok explaining how in the book Othello, Iago "symbolically poisoned Othello's mind to change him" and that this is why the poisoned chalice found in that book by the traitors will not poison Diane but will actually CHANGE her, into a TRAITOR?"

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