Theresa May will 'financially support' Tory MPs who lost their seats in election

Theresa May has apologised to Tory MPs (Rex)
Theresa May has apologised to Tory MPs (Rex)

Theresa May has told Conservative MPs that she will get the party out of the “mess” she created after losing her Commons majority in an election gamble that spectacularly backfired.

Two-thirds of Conservative party members have said that Mrs May should resign as prime minister, according to one poll, but at a meeting with the influential 1922 committee she promised to serve for “as long as you want me to”.

After failing to recognise the failure in a speech outside 10 Downing Street following the shock result, she struck a more conciliatory tone — and promised to help out MPs who lost their seats in the election.

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An MP leaving the committee room said: “She was very concerned about people who have lost their seats. The party is going to help them, some of them are in dire financial situations. She did say sorry, several times. She apologised for colleagues losing their seats, for making the call about the early election.”

Tory MPs reportedly described her as “bold and brave” for facing up to the errors of the campaign, as reports emerged that key manifesto pledges would be scrapped.

Mrs May answered more than 20 questions in the hour-long meeting, and was warmly received by MPs in the group.

Senior Conservative figures have thrown their support behind the beleaguered leader, despite the party losing 13 seats overall in the election, although Mrs May is likely to step outside to allow successor to take over some point in the near future.

Today, Arlene Foster, the leader of Northern Ireland’s DUP, will discuss a ‘confidence and supply’ arrangement with Mrs May, which will allow the Conservatives to remain in power.

The Queen’s Speech, where the Government sets out its agenda, was expected next Monday but could be delayed as DUP talks are finalised.