Thick Smoke Billows From Victoria Factory Fire That Injured 4

Thick smoke billowed across roads and obscured visibility in Dandenong South, Victoria, during a fire at a factory that injured two firefighters and two workers on Friday, December 8.

Footage recorded by @sourav_kalkal011 shows the smoke obscuring visibility on Superior Drive.

Fire Rescue Victoria said crews were called to the fire shortly after 12 pm on Friday.

At 4:25 pm the fire was still not under control, with 40 appliances and more than 120 firefighters attending the incident.

Two firefighters were treated for minor injuries and two factory workers were taken to hospital, the service said.

One additional worker “may be unaccounted for”, the service added.

The risk from the fire was classed as “reduced” by 6:33 pm. Credit: @sourav_kalkal011 via Storyful

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