Thief stole underwear from woman at Herefordshire pool

He stole underwear belonging to a swimmer at the pool (stock image) <i>(Image: Pixabay)</i>
He stole underwear belonging to a swimmer at the pool (stock image) (Image: Pixabay)

AN UNDERWEAR thief has this week been found guilty of theft and handed a restraining order after an incident at a leisure centre in Herefordshire in January.

Daniel Dixon, 36, of High Street, Leominster was attending a public swimming session at the Halo Leisure Centre at the same time as a pregnant woman on January 17.

Although their paths did not completely cross, a police spokesperson said, during his time at the centre, Dixon had secretly and intentionally stolen underwear from the woman’s locker and loitered in the same area as her until she left.

His victim notified police of the incident and an investigation was started, resulting in his arrest.

Dixon was later charged before being found guilty of at Hereford Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday (May 7) where he was also sentenced.

He was ordered to pay £500 compensation, a victim surcharge of £114 and ordered to do 150 hours of unpaid work as well as being handed a restraining order to stay away from his victim which lasts until 2027.

Police constable Adam Stobbart, the investigating officer from Leominster Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “This incident was very upsetting and understandably, no one should have to experience this type of behaviour.

“It was concerning for them to not only have a such an intimate and personal item being taken but to then feel scared and intimidated seeing the perpetrator and being followed.

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the strength and resilience that the victim has shown throughout the investigation which help obtain this positive result.”