This Cat Is 121 Years Old - And Loves Facebook As Much As You


At 121 years old, Corduroy may be the oldest cat in the world but he keeps up with Facebook and Snapchat the same as any teenager.

The moggy - who is 26 years and 205 days old in human terms - has a huge following across his social media accounts, where thousands of fans log in daily to see what he’s up to.

And despite his age, Corduroy is still in remarkably good health.

Owner Ashley Reed Okura said: “Corduroy certainly does not act his age - he still jumps onto counters and jumps down.

"Every night, he glides up our flight of stairs and jumps onto our bed and sleeps with us before waking us up every morning around 5am.

"I strongly believe the key to his longevity is the fact we did not declaw him and allowed him to go outside.”

“He was able to defend himself and exercise his body and mind by hunting.”

Ashley, from Sisters, Oregon, set up Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat accounts for Corduroy last year after Guiness World Records confirmed he was the world’s oldest living cat.

She added: “I do my best to update his followers and respond to messages and special requests.”

Like any other cat, the pensioner moggy loves all the attention showered on him.

Ashley said : “It is an honour to have Corduroy in our life, I honestly don’t remember much of my life without him.”

“He is a wonderful companion and I hope to give him a happy and healthy life for many more years.“

Pic: Caters