I thought I was being invited to Blackpool... I couldn't have been more wrong

Entertainer Eddie Wallace as his alter ego
Entertainer Eddie Wallace as his alter ego -Credit:Eddie Wallace

When Eddie Wallace got a letter through the post inviting him to the palace, he didn't think much of it.

It was most probably from a venue in Blackpool, the drag artist thought. He'd performed there recently in support of The Not Forgotten - a charity supporting serving personnel and veterans who are wounded or sick.

The 48-year-old's letter told him he was to be recognised following years of tireless charity work. However, the entertainer was wrong.

His company was expected some 250 miles south of the seaside resort.


The contemporary theatre studies graduate told the the Liverpool Echo: "When I was told 'the palace' I just thought it was in Blackpool. I didn't realise it was Buckingham Palace. An official invite came for us and it said the King requested our company.

"I'm really excited to go now. I think it's such a lovely opportunity and it's nice to be recognised. I've done lots of charity work over the years, so to be actually invited, is a lovely moment. It is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime type of experience."

Eddie Wallace retrained during the pandemic to become a carer
Eddie Wallace retrained during the pandemic to become a carer -Credit:Eddie Wallace

"My mum passed away from cancer many years ago but she would have been really proud of me. She would have loved to go, she was a massive fan of the Royal Family."

Alongside a group of others, Eddie will be attending the garden party on Friday, May 17. Although a dress code and a protocol were sent alongside the invite, Eddie has requested if he can go as his alter ego, CeCe Monsoon.

Eddie began his career as a drag queen after he went on holiday and got more than "bargained for". He was travelling to Gran Canaria, a popular spot for the LGBTQ+ community, to catch up with old friends he hadn't seen for a while.

At the time, the 48-year-old was known for his vocal abilities and keeping a crowd entertained. One of Eddie's friends mentioned he had a work-related problem that needed fixing promptly. Eddie agreed to help with said problem without realising it would spark a change in his career path.

Entertainer Eddie Wallace
Entertainer Eddie Wallace -Credit:Eddie Wallace

The vocalist told the ECHO: "I was on my holidays and a friend of mine, who managed a bar, was short of a drag queen for one of the nights. Within the hour, I was sat down, had a full face put on me and ready to go on that stage."

"The rest is just all history from there. The second I got to the UK, I continued with the drag persona and it went from strength to strength."

Eddie had been performing on cruises and throughout Europe as CeCe Monsoon when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, locking down the world and consequently the entertainment industry.

With restrictions in place, Eddie took a break from drag and temporarily hung up his heels.

After travelling up and down the country for the past 30 years either as a singer or drag artist, Eddie had the itch to keep himself busy and retrained as a carer looking after those with severe brain injuries and dementia.

Fast forward to 2024, and the former University of Central Lancashire student decided to bring CeCe out of retirement as he returns to his "dream" career.