Thousands of Cambridgeshire parents back calls for children to be allowed term-time holidays

Mother with baby girl dive underwater with fun in sea pool
Thousands have called for children to be able to go on term-time holidays (stock image) -Credit:iStockphoto

More than 3,000 people in Cambridgeshire have backed calls for children to get two weeks out of school each year without penalty. More than 216,000 people across the country have signed a petition saying it is 'unfair' that families face fines for taking children out of school.

The petition, created by Christopher Bennett, says: "Families face school fines for taking their children out of school to go on affordable holidays. This can be a particular issue for low-income families, and families with children that have additional needs, who want or need to avoid busier and more expensive periods."

A total of 3,273 people across Cambridgeshire have signed the petition. It will now be considered for a debate in Parliament as it has reached more than 100,000 signatures in total.

In Peterborough, 640 people signed the petition, with 649 signatures in North East Cambridgeshire. A further 683 people in North West Cambridgeshire added their names to the petition.

In Huntingdon, 375 people signed the petition, while 209 people from Cambridge and 418 people from South Cambridgeshire signed it. In South East Cambridgeshire, 299 people added their names.

Currently, schools consider issuing fines when a child has missed 10 or more sessions (five days) for unauthorised reasons. From August 2024, the fine for school absences will be £80 if paid within 21 days, or £160 if paid within 28 days.

The petition went on to say: "I feel these families are being discriminated against as they may not find it possible to travel outside of term time, as it could be too costly or overwhelming, with travel, queues, noise, busy airports, busy public transport, busy resorts etc. We think it's unfair that these families and children might not be able to go on holiday because they can't take time off during term time.

"Parents may also have additional needs that would make travelling at busy times difficult." You can see the petition here.