Thousands visit Towneley Park for fun day of family activities

Pendle Hill Properties handed out 500 Hershey bars and toy parachutists to Under 12s attending the event <i>(Image: Adam Woodhouse)</i>
Pendle Hill Properties handed out 500 Hershey bars and toy parachutists to Under 12s attending the event (Image: Adam Woodhouse)

Thousands visited Burnley’s Towneley Park at the weekend for the Uniformed Services Family Fun Day.

The event on Saturday (June 22) saw around 4,500 people attend a day full of family-friendly activities.

Pendle Hill Properties, one of the day’s main sponsors, ran a giveaway of Hershey bars and toy parachutists, while their stand also featured a WWII Jeep and a special open-top gold bus, which provided the perfect base for children to drop their parachutists from.

Pendle Hill Properties handed out 500 Hershey bars and toy parachutists to Under 12s attending the event (Image: Adam Woodhouse)

The giveaway was part of an exciting day of activities including an army assault course, food stalls, military vehicle displays, fairground rides, face painting activities, museum collections, charity stalls, the Royal Air Force, recruitment stalls, live performances and much more.

Nicola Wilkinson, sales and rental negotiator at Pendle Hill Properties, said: "We have had an absolutely fantastic day, what a great event!

"The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves, taking selfies, getting their treats and checking out our special WWII jeep.

"It was also great to chat to so many people looking to buy, sell or let their properties with us in and around Burnley."

The Mayor of Burnley even popped by for a Hershey bar and toy parachutist (Image: Adam Woodhouse)

Andrew Powell, chief executive and co-founder of Healthier Heroes CIC, which organised the event, said: "I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended our Family Fun Day.

“The field was full with so many stands and stalls including local businesses, military charities, local charities and many more, it has just been absolutely incredible.

"It was great to have Pendle Hill Properties here supporting us again, with their double-decker bus and Hershey bar and toy parachute giveaway, which went down an absolute storm."

The event was officially opened by Cllr Shah Hussain, Mayor of Burnley, and Andrew Powell, with a raising of the flag ceremony and speeches.