Three dogs dead in Middlesbrough: Crossbreed dies of suspected poisoning as RSPCA probe launched

Vets believe the Cane Corso cross found in a Middlesbrough park had been poisoned
Vets believe the Cane Corso cross found in a Middlesbrough park had been poisoned -Credit:Middlesbrough Dog Wardens

Vets battled in vain to save a desperately ill dog who was found near the bodies of two other dogs, one which had been buried.

Middlesbrough dog wardens are appealing for information about the Cane Corso cross who was spotted in a very unwell condition close to Newport Bridge on Friday, April 12. The service believes that the dog may have been poisoned.

Despite vets working for two days to save the animal, he sadly passed away on Saturday. Dog wardens, who found another deceased dog lying in the area and a further one that had been buried, have called in the RSPCA to investigate the case.

A spokesperson for Middlesbrough Dog Warden service this was a 'terrible' case and officers were finding it very difficult to deal with. They said: "On Friday morning we were contacted by a member of the public relating to a stray dog close to Newport Bridge. On arrival we discovered a large Cane Corso cross breed dog.

"He was very unwell and had to be transported to our kennel provider then a veterinary practice. Very sadly last night (Sat) despite all of our efforts he passed away. He was unchipped.

"We are pleading with anyone who has information to get in touch. Not far from where we collected him we discovered another deceased dog and a further dog that had been buried.

"At this stage initial thoughts from the vet are that the Cane Corso may have been poisoned. We are meeting the RSPCSA inspector Monday and they will be investigating this matter.

"This is a terrible case and something that is very difficult for our officers to deal with. Thank you to the female member of the public who contacted us."

Anyone with information is urged to email or calling 01642 726001.

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