Three early warning signs of measles to look out for in your children as infections rise

Cases of measles have been rising
-Credit: (Image: UK Health Security Agency)

Parents are being urged to keep an eye out for symptoms of measles in their children after a rise in cases in the UK.

Data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows there have been 1,767 lab confirmed cases of measles nationwide in 2024 so far. This is compared to the whole of 2023 when there were 362 cases - an almost five-fold increase.

Measles is a highly contagious infection best known for the rash it causes. Babies and young children are particularly vulnerable and it can lead to dangerous complications such as pneumonia and seizures if not caught early enough.

A GP has outlined the signs you should be looking for to ensure quick treatment, reports the Daily Record. Dr Donald Grant, senior clinical advisor at The Independent Pharmacy, said: "Measles is a highly contagious viral infection that is spread through coughing and sneezing, it’s one of the most spreadable diseases which has led to a sharp increase in cases across the UK.

"With over 1,500 reported instances of measles so far this year, it’s important to understand the telltale signs of the infection and what to do should you contract the illness. Symptoms of measles typically begin around seven to 14 days after infection and are particularly dangerous to young children and those with weakened immune systems - proving fatal in some cases."

Symptoms of measles

Dr Grant shared three early symptoms that should not be ignored. He explained: “So, what are the symptoms of the viral infection?

“If you’re experiencing a high fever, tiny white spots or conjunctivitis, you could be in the early stages of the illness.” These will likely be followed by a rash.

He continued: “The rash stage then begins three to five days following these initial symptoms, starting at the face and quickly spreading to other portions of the body. These rashes typically last just under a week before fading. It’s vital that we’re aware of the signs of measles due to its highly infectious nature.

"Prompt awareness of this infection can reduce the spread and help people manage their symptoms more effectively.” The NHS also lists a runny or blocked nose, sneezing and a cough as early signs of measles.

What to do if your child has measles

Dr Grant advised seeking “urgent” medical attention if you think you or your child have measles. “It’s also incredibly important to isolate yourself from other members of your household and avoid public places,” he said.

“Should you need to go outside, such as to visit your GP, using a mask can effectively reduce levels of transmission. Keep an eye out for more severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing.” He added that painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen could be used to help bring the fever down.

How to protect yourself against measles

Getting vaccinated is the best method of protection against measles. The MMR vaccine, which protects you from measles, mumps and rubella, is offered to all children in the UK through the NHS.

Dr Grant added: “To prevent the likelihood of future outbreaks in your home, ensure everyone has received their MMR vaccine, available through the NHS. This is vital for young children - who are at an increased risk of death if they contract the viral infection. Receiving the vaccination will help avoid these horrific symptoms while reducing the spread, which continues to rise throughout the UK this year.”