Three natural scents that will keep rats out of your garden without using chemicals

Picture of homemade spray to keep rats away
-Credit:(Image: Getty)

Discovering rats in your garden can be a real concern, as they are known for spreading diseases and causing damage by digging up plant roots. If not tackled promptly, you could be facing a full-blown infestation.

Many individuals resort to using traps or poison to eliminate these unwelcome visitors, but according to Toby Bateson from Hammer, a pest control firm, such methods can be exceedingly inhumane. He commented: "Conventional pest control can cause harm and suffering to rodents, as well as causing poisons to enter the food chain."

This has led some to seek out natural rat repellents, which are often more environmentally friendly and safer for household pets, while also reducing the suffering inflicted on the rats themselves. Rats possess extremely sensitive noses, making them particularly averse to strong odours. Introducing certain scents into your garden can act as an effective deterrent, creating an uninviting environment that suggests a lack of food or potential danger, reports the Express.

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So, what aromas can help keep rats at bay?

Employing essential oils with powerful plant-based scents is one of the most effective strategies for keeping rats out of your garden.


The aroma of peppermint oil can disrupt a rat's olfactory senses. To use it effectively, mix several drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas of your garden where you suspect rat activity.

Toby advised: "Peppermint oil is an all-natural rat repellent which many people find effective."

"It can be mixed with water and sprayed in areas where rats cause a problem. The smell may fade over a couple of days so you may need to reapply it regularly."


Citronella is not only effective against keeping ras away but is a very popular and effective natural method for keeping away mosquitoes, making it the perfect deterrent to use in the summer.

Toby said: "Citronella is another essential oil which can be used to keep rats away. Its lemony scent can disorient the rodents and disguise their tracks."

"Rotating different oils may be more effective than simply using the same oil all the time. Rats are neophobic so anything new will upset them but they can become accustomed to changes over time. This a good reason to mix things up a bit."


Rats will also find the intense smell of eucalyptus repulsive, and you can either buy eucalyptus as an oil or scatter eucalyptus leaves in areas you suspect may have a rat nearby.

Toby said: "Eucalyptus oil is another pungent ingredient you can use to keep rats away. Use in a spray or soak into cotton wool balls and leave where the rodents spend time and hopefully, they will think twice and leave the area."

What natural methods should you never use on rats?

One popular but inhumane piece of advice online for deterring rodents is to try using cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes. You should never use anything extremely spicy to keep rats away as it can burn a rodent's eyes and they will not be able to clean them. This can lead to rats panicking, hurting themselves to try to stop the burning and is overall very cruel as it will cause them a lot of pain.

Not only that but cayenne pepper will also harm other local wildlife, pets or neighbourhood dogs and cats which makes it dangerous for your local environment. Instead, there are many other natural ways to keep rats away such as growing certain plants in your garden as well as other repellents such as sprinkling lavender around your borders without having to turn to.

However, one of the most effective ways to avoid rats in your garden is to simply make sure there are no food or water sources for them to live on.

Make sure there are no pet bowls filled with food or bird feeders near the ground in your garden, pick up any fruit falling off plants plus keep your rubbish sealed, and rats will naturally keep away from your property in no time.