Three pruning errors that could kill your plants this spring

Roses being pruned
Pruning is an important job in the garden -Credit:Shared Content Unit

It's the time of year where we're all spending a lot more time in the garden, and want them looking their best. Gardeners are being urged to trim back foliage and stems to tidy up their plants and shrubs, with the added benefit of promoting new, healthy growth that can enhance the look of their gardens.

However as springtime pruning gets underway, it's crucial to avoid common mistakes that could harm your greenery. Some mistakes could even cause your plant to die completely.

Here are three typical errors to watch out for this season.

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Wrong time

One major misstep is pruning at the wrong time, which can be just as detrimental as cutting too much or too little, leaving the plant in a delicate state. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) advises that timing your pruning correctly can reduce the risk of excessive sap loss from cuts, reports the Express.

They explained: "Bleeding from pruning cuts can be unsightly but it is usually not harmful, and will naturally heal over time. In rare cases, prolonged bleeding may lead to loss of vigour and even death of the tree or shrub."

Nonetheless, the best approach is to allow the shrub to recover on its own, ensuring you only prune during the appropriate season.

Wrong cuts

Another blunder to avoid is making incorrect cuts, which is a definite no-no in plant care, so knowing exactly where to snip is key. A well-executed cut will limit damage and help the plant to heal swiftly and effectively.

Conversely, an improper cut might involve slicing too close to the tree's trunk or too far from it, resulting in injury to the plant. While each variety of plant and shrub requires a unique pruning approach, the general goal is to eliminate diseased or damaged branches to foster new growth.

Wrong amount

Lastly, avoid the pitfall of pruning too much. Gardening experts at Sutton Manor Nursery said: "With all the overgrown shrubs from the previous months, it is understandable that you are eager to start getting your shrubs in shape.

"However you mustn't overdo it. If done too aggressively, it can permanently damage a plant and stunt its growth and make it susceptible to diseases."

The pros clarified: "Pruning is simply cutting leaves and leaves are what a plant needs to make food. Therefore, over-pruning your plant means it cannot make food." Their advice for those who have pruned too much is to let the plant recover for some time.