Two-thirds of Labour voters say a woman cannot have a penis

Keir Starmer with Labour candidate Alex Baker
Sir Keir Starmer on the campaign trail on Saturday in Aldershot with local Labour candidate Alex Baker - Stefan Rousseau/PA

Two-thirds of Labour voters believe a woman cannot have a penis, new polling shows.

The findings show the majority of those planning to back Sir Keir Starmer’s party insist on the importance of biological sex.

Labour has been deeply divided on trans issues in recent years and Sir Keir was confronted during a radio interview on Friday by a woman who accused him of speaking “absolute twaddle” on the issue.

A survey by Whitestone Insights found 65 per cent of Labour supporters agreed with the statement “a woman cannot have a penis”, while just 13 per cent disagreed.

Sir Keir last week agreed with Sir Tony Blair that a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis in a strengthening of his previous position.

But the Labour leader, who polls suggest will win the election on Thursday, has come under fire in the past for appearing to disregard biological sex.

In 2021, he claimed it was “not right” to say that only women have a cervix in response to comments by Rosie Duffield, a gender critical Labour MP.

Sir Keir prompted further criticism last year after saying that “99.9 per cent of women… haven’t got a penis”. He only hardened his position on self-ID – allowing people to choose their own legal sex without medical diagnosis – three months later, following the political downfall of Nicola Sturgeon over transgender reforms.

The percentage of those who agreed with the statement rose to 68 per cent among Liberal Democrat voters. Eighty-five per cent of Tory voters and 91 per cent of Reform supporters also agreed.

Opinion was most split among Green Party voters, with 42 per cent agreeing a woman cannot have a penis but 38 per cent disagreeing.

The survey also found Labour supporters are split on allowing people to identify as their preferred gender, with 52 per cent saying they should be able to while 48 per cent said they should not.

Andrea Williams, chief executive of Christian Concern, which commissioned the poll, said: “This week has revealed more than ever how the political class are all over the place on these issues.

“The poll reflects the mess we are in on this issue and reveals the absolute confusion and chaos that comes when we deny basic biological reality.

“Institutions and any future government must urgently row back on promoting LGBTQI+ ideology and must recognise that the majority of the public simply do not want it to be forced onto their lives.”

Among all respondents to Whitestone’s online survey of 2,029 adults, 65 per cent said that the law should reflect biological definitions of sex while 15 per cent disagreed.

Two-thirds (62 per cent) of those who took a view said public buildings should not fly political flags, with 54 per cent agreeing it is inappropriate to fly Pride flags on public buildings because it promotes a specific political ideology.

A further 69 per cent said they respected people’s lifestyle choices but did not think gender ideology should be publicly promoted.

Last week, Rachel Reeves offered JK Rowling a meeting with Labour to provide “assurances” over the protection of women-only spaces.

The Harry Potter author responded by agreeing on the condition Ms Reeves met with gender-critical campaigners first, and that Angela Rayner apologised for previous remarks about two of the groups she listed.

It came after Ms Rowling accused Labour and Sir Keir of having “abandoned” women, saying she would “struggle to support them” in the election over their stance on trans issues.