Three town houses to be built on former bank site - latest North Lincolnshire planning decisions

Amenity land by the former HSBC bank in Holydyke, Barton, will be where three town houses are built
Amenity land by the former HSBC bank in Holydyke, Barton, will be where three town houses are built -Credit:Google Streetview

Three new town houses have been approved in Barton-upon-Humber, on land next to a former bank site.

Permission was previously given six years ago for the former HSBC's Bank House in Holydyke to be changed on the ground floor to two apartments, and for three town houses at the site too. The new permission keeps Bank House for commercial use.

The three homes will be erected on adjacent land to the west. Read on below for some of the latest planning decisions in North Lincolnshire.

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Barton town houses

The town houses will all have three bedrooms, each. The proposals include a new access off Holydyke for five off-street parking spaces. Bank House extensions to the side and rear will be demolished. Bank House Developments Ltd was the applicant.

Barton Civic Society objected to the proposal, contending it would harm the town's Conservation Area. "The society feel that the three-storey block of three houses are an overdevelopment of the land available and thus detract from Bank House," the Civic Society commented. It favour a smaller set of family homes. Barton Town Council also agreed with its concerns, and suggested there was not sufficient parking.

There is on-street parking, as well as the five off-street spaces planned. "It's another site that really need something definitely doing to it, and it would only enhance the area, I think," said Cllr Carol Ross. Permission was unanimously approved.

Winterton home outside boundary

A two-storey, four bedroom home has been approved in Winterton, despite being outside the development boundary. Agent Mr Fowler, representing JD Associates (DC) Ltd, explained the plot at 151 Northlands Road is infill. Its existing use is as garden.

Northlands Road, Winterton, where a new home will be built
Northlands Road, Winterton, where a new home will be built -Credit:Google Streetview

"Whilst the site is outside the development boundary, it is immediately adjacent to it." It will have two parking spaces, and a turning space would also be created.

"Again, I have no problem with this at all, and I'm happy to go with officer's recommendation," said Cllr John Davison.

Cllr Mick Grant did note it was outside the development boundary and if there was not a property already there, what the stance might be. "I'm just being the devil's advocate." Nevertheless, it was unanimously approved.

Epworth beacon

Previously reported on by Grimsby Live, Epworth Town Council had sought permission for a new lighting beacon. It will be located near disused, Grade II-listed Maw's Mill. Planning officers have approved it under delegated decision powers.

Its first use is due next month, on June 6, to mark the 80th anniversary of Operation Overlord, better known as D-Day. It will be used subsequently for other community events that warrant beacon fire lighting.

Epworth's beacon made in 1988, in time to mark the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada
Epworth's beacon made in 1988, in time to mark the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada -Credit:Chris Morgan, Geograph (CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED)

Epworth has had a beacon before. One was made by a well-known agricultural local firm, Harris of Epworth, in time for the 400th anniversary of the Spanish Armada in 1988. The new beacon will incorporate some of the history of the old, a document states, but it will also have a retractable metal pole. This will make its lighting easier.

Maw's Mill is a corn mill built about 200 years ago that was decommissioned in 1915. The new 6m tall beacon will be set a distance away from the mill to have minimal impact on it. An application document contended "it will actually add to the heritage of the site itself" and will be an extra visitor attraction.

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