Three ways staying hydrated benefits your health

Everyone should aim to drink six to eight glasses of water each day to stay properly hydrated.

"Water really is quite amazing! Although most of us do take a fresh water supply for granted it is always good to keep in mind how much water actually does for us," says Alison Cullen, nutritional practitioner at "It is fresh, free from your own tap, and may help sort out a lot of ailments you are experiencing."

While it is well known that water is important for overall health, Alison has broken down the specific ways it is good for your body.

Energy and mood

Staying hydrated can improve your mood, concentration and anxiety levels.

"If you find that you become easily drained throughout the day this could be an indication that you are not giving your body the water it needs," the expert warns. "Dehydration sucks all of your energy away and can be the cause of headaches. This is because water helps the blood carry oxygen and essential nutrients around your body so a lack of water can cause low energy, anxiety, tiredness and sometimes headaches."


Your skin needs moisture to repair itself so dehydration can lead to fine lines and wrinkles.

"If you are not properly hydrated, skin begins to look tired, dull and more susceptible to wrinkles," Alison states. "Avoid fizzy water, soda and caffeine as these beverages do not hydrate you. This is because the body treats these fluids differently from water and breaks them down in other ways."

The nutritional practitioner notes, "A lack of water can cause breakouts on your skin which can reduce your skin's moisture retention, resulting in wrinkles."


Water is essential to keep your kidneys working properly.

"If you suffer from lower back pain in the morning, this could be an indication of dehydration," the expert explains. "At night time, before bed, if you drink alcohol, fizzy water, soda or caffeine your body does not get properly hydrated."

She adds, "Drinking more water makes you less susceptible to bladder problems and also helps reduce your chance of kidney stones! This is because the water helps dilute the salt and minerals in the urine that form into kidney stones."

If you have persistent headaches or kidney pain, you should see a doctor.