TikTok influencer accidentally films moment thief swipes phone using sneaky technique

A TikTok influencer accidentally filmed a thief using a cunning distraction method to steal her phone. Aminah Ali was shooting her latest video with a mate outside Jikoni, an Asian-fusion restaurant in Marylebone, when a woman appeared 'out of nowhere'.

The 25-year-old alleges that the woman asked for money and while doing so, waved a piece of paper which she craftily let fall over Aminah's phone before swiping it. The Londoner only realised her phone was gone a few minutes later and was shocked when her friend Iryna Leterova revealed she had caught the moment the supposed thief positioned the paper to take the device.

Turning to TikTok, Aminah posted a clip captioned 'beware', which has since gone viral, racking up more than three million views. The video shows a woman approaching Aminah's table and as the content creator instinctively grabs her bag, she forgets her phone, which the alleged thief starts to cover with a piece of paper as a diversion.

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In a follow-up video, Aminah issues a strong message to help others take precautions as 'your phone can be snatched out of your hand at any time'. Dozens of TikTok users flooded the comments section to say that the 'same thing' happened to them and many even recognised the woman as having allegedly done the same scam to them.

Other users branded Aminah 'crazy' for leaving her phone exposed in central London. Aminah, from London, said: "It was just shocking how something can happen so close to you, but you don't realise it in the moment. Everything happens so fast.

"Even now it's like a blur. They are very, very good at what they do. It can happen to anyone, even if you are aware of the situation. My friend was taking videos of me so I put my phone on the table.

"I guess the lady saw my phone was on the table and she came up to me.

"She came out of nowhere behind a car - obviously I was a target. For a while she was watching me. My friend that was recording me stopped because the lady came into the shot. She was asking me for money. Then she put the paper in front of my phone so I forgot it was there.

"I was making sure she didn't take my bag not realising that my phone was still there. In that moment I just completely forgot about my phone. When I got up I looked around and my phone was not there. My heart dropped because I knew she took it.

"I only realised two or three minutes later. "It was just shocking how something can happen so close to you, but you don't realise it in the moment."

"When I watched the video back I felt like my heart dropped. My friend who was recording didn't release either. I'm normally very conscious of my surroundings. I wasn't in a busy area. I didn't think that this was going to happen to me at that moment."

Luckily, the 25-year-old was with 34-year-old Iryna, who helped her pal contact her parents and find the nearest Apple store for assistance. Aminah said: "If my friend wasn't there I wouldn't be able to use her phone to get through to my family.

"Being by yourself in that situation can be very daunting. I am very grateful that I was with a friend. In my industry I use my phone a lot for making content and checking emails.

"When it gets taken away from you it can feel very discombobulated in the moment. I'm very on it when it comes to my phone so when it does get taken really does teach you a lesson.

The content creator admitted the awful experience has made her more 'alert' and she wants to help others take precautions as she 'didn't realise how prominent' phone theft was in London.

In her video warning, she advises others to 'make sure you have insurance' and explains a helpful 'stolen device protection' setting on Apple products.

Once the feature is activated, it ramps up security if an iPhone is taken out of its usual surroundings to stop crooks from tampering with the device and associated accounts.

Aminah shared: "Because it's the first time it's happened to me, I didn't realise how prominent this is within London. It happens all the time. It's been happening for years, but I think over the last year or so it's been happening very often. Now I've been in this situation I'm a lot more alert.

"That's why I posted the video because this could happen to other people and it could raise awareness. Especially to people that don't live in London.

"I had a lot of people message me from different parts of the UK saying they didn't know this was a thing. In the comments, so many people say they recognise that exact same lady. Some people said she stole their phone as well.

"When you feel like it's never going to happen to you, you don't ever take precautions. Keeping everything protected is really important."

Aminah reported the theft to the police, and although her stolen phone hasn't been recovered, she managed to secure a replacement through her insurance. She added: "I came home and reported it to the police. Reporting it is really important. They're not going to realise how often it really happens.

"It took me a while to get everything back onto my phone. Now, thankfully with insurance, I have been able to get a new phone. I want people to know how important having insurance is."

The Met Police has confirmed that they are aware of the incident as it has been officially reported.