TikTok star searching for Jay Slater quits because he has ‘never had any money’ from GoFundMe

A TikTok star who volunteered to join the Jay Slater search in Tenerife has quit the search - because he has "never had any money" from the GoFundMe. Callum Fahim, who voluntarily travelled to Tenerife to help cops, claimed he has left after being slammed with death threats.

Fahim told Sky News he has withdrawn after two weeks of looking - and receiving death threats. He said he and his group have not seen a penny of the money raised to help find Mr Slater and plans to return to the UK on Thursday.

Speaking to Sky News, Mr Slater's family said his mother Debbie Duncan gave Mr Fahim £740 of her own money for accommodation but he turned "bitter" after they refused to give him more money. "We appreciate every single person who's come out," they said.

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"He's a hiker. We don't need hikers, we need experts." Debbie wrote: "We are currently looking after Paul Arnett (sic), putting together a package of any equipment and essentials he needs and going up to do a drop for him.

"We are also supporting Callum Fahim and his group with accommodation and other essentials." Speaking to Sky News after the statement, Fahim said: "I haven't had anything from the GoFundMe. We have not had a bit of essentials paid for.

"I've never had any money from them whatsoever or even offers to go and pick anything up. If they had offered it, personally I would've said maybe a bit of a treat at the end of the week, but don't worry about it."

"It's getting very out of control. The situation here is very dangerous at the moment," he said. "I have had death threats. I had a long conversation with her [Ms Duncan] and decided I'm withdrawing." Callum is one of many TikTokers who flew out to aid in the search.