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TikToker shares how to get 'straight to the human' when calling customer service: 'Works wonders'

TikTok is great for many things, but the life hacks people share are especially helpful. Case in point: People are currently bowing down to a woman named Liz for sharing her time-saving customer service hack, which lets you skip over the automated “robot” voice on the other end of the line and go straight to a live representative.

Liz (@LizTheMusicManager) shared the tip in a recent stitch, where she replies to the question: “What’s a piece of information that you learned that feels illegal to know?”

“About a month ago I discovered a way to get through customer service (phone) lines in less than 2 minutes and talk to a real person and not wait on line for hours and hours,” Liz shares in her response. “Time is money in my business, and when I’m waiting on line with Expedia, American, Delta, Verizon or AT&T, they’re literally wasting my time when I only have one question to ask them.”

Liz claims the “hack” works in less than two minutes about 90% of the time and saves her a ton of stress and aggravation in the process. It’s also super simple, yet not a lot of people know about it.

According to the TikToker, all you have to do after calling any customer service line is hit the keys 0# 0# 0# “over and over” until the automated recordings take you to a live operator. This will help you skip over the endless amount of options that often come at the start of a call and save you from having to listen to any annoying hold music.

“This little piece of information has saved me so much time and aggravation and frustration,” Liz admits in the video. “So try it out.”

The video has already racked up more than 2.1 million views and lots of praise from grateful TikTokers.

“You’re amazing,” one person commented.

“This is so much better than me yelling representative over and over again lol,” said someone else.

“This is the most chaotic thing to tell the public,” another person quipped.

There were, however, a lot of people who claimed this wasn’t exactly “news.”

“People dont know this…?” one person asked.

“my mother taught me this when I was like five lmao and I never understood why ppl said they spent hours on hold,” another TikToker shared.

“Yup learn this 10years ago,” said someone else, who could attest that it “works wonders.”

At the same time, a few naysayers did try to shoot the whole thing down.

“They’ve started fixing this for a lot of places,” one person claimed. “Instead of getting an operator, it just sends you back to the directory.”

“companies figured that out years ago and a lot of them now block that capability,” another added.

But in response, Liz noted that she’s tried it with a number of large companies very recently — including Expedia and American Airlines — and just as she expected, it worked like a charm.

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