A time capsule has been buried in Stockport - and it's not going to be opened for 100 years

The time capsule isn't to be opened until 2124
The time capsule isn't to be opened until 2124 -Credit:Vernon Building Society

A time capsule has been buried beneath the grounds of a Stockport school, with the hope that it will be unearthed in 100 years' time. The capsule was buried on March 27, 2024, in the peace gardens of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School to celebrate the centenary of Stockport's Vernon Building Society.

The capsule, weighing 7kg, has been made from a composite material strong enough to withstand 100 years underground. It's hoped that it will be dug up by school children in the year 2124, and offer a fascinating snapshot into what life was like in Greater Manchester 100-years in the past.

The objects included are intended to capture what is great about the region, these include a coin made of graphene, the day's edition of the Manchester Evening News, a vinyl single from the Stockport band The Blossoms, a Stockport County scarf, a Sunday Times news article from March 2024 revealing Stockport as the best place to live in the North West, and a Coronation Street keyring.

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Stockport Mayor, Councillor Graham Greenhalgh and head teacher Ann Reeh and children from the school joined the Vernon’s CEO, Steve Fletcher, for the burial. Kimberly, a 10-year-old pupil at St Joseph’s Primary School, said that when the capsule is opened "the children will think that it’s from one thousand years ago because they will have floating cars and lots of things that we would never expect, as technology can improve things very quickly and fast. They probably won’t have to eat anything, they will just tap something to get what they need."

Children from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School buried Vernon Building Society's time capsule in their peace garden
Children from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School buried Vernon Building Society's time capsule in their peace garden -Credit:Vernon Building Society

Aarna, 7, said that in 100 years' time: "Life will be really fun, as parents will say yes to everything!" While 10-year-old Reyansh said the society opening the time capsule 100-years in the future "will be shocked". Adding: "They will think they are very rare things from the past as they won’t have them in their time. Everything will de digital and run by AI."

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Other special additions to the capsule were documents and objects related to Vernon's Building Society, who are celebrating their 100th birthday. One of the items was the original minutes from Vernon’s first board meeting on March 27, 1924 and a page copied from an early ledger book, showing the first mortgage advance of £200 to Christopher and Myfanwy Stevens on September 6, 1924. Research by historian, Karen Averby, showed that the property at 15 Islington Road, Stockport, remained the couple’s home for the rest of their days.

Vernon Bear, headteacher and pupils from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School alongside the time capsule items.
Vernon Bear, headteacher and pupils from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School alongside the time capsule items -Credit:Vernon Building Society

To further celebrate its centenary milestone, the building society awarded its first four grants from the recently announced Vernon Charitable Foundation, which has more than £100,000 in the fund to support local charities doing great work in Greater Manchester and Cheshire. Stockport Lads Club has received £3,045, Café Unity in Heald Green were awarded £4,855, and Cheadle Heath Community and Stockport Canal Boat received £5,000 each from the charitable foundation.

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Vernon Building Society Chief Executive, Steve Fletcher said: "We’re hoping that in 100 years' time, people will be excited to open our time capsule and that some of our employees and members will be there to enjoy the occasion. We’re proud to be thriving on the high street and continuing to put our members front and centre of everything we do, having withstood wars, financial crises and a pandemic over the last century. I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved - we fully intend to keep the Vernon’s flame burning bright for the next 100 years.”

Some of the items in the time capsule include a miniature hat from the Hat Works Museum, today's MEN paper, a Manchester Worker Bee badge, Blossoms vinyl and mini Vernon Bear
Some of the items in the time capsule include a miniature hat from the Hat Works Museum, MEN newspaper, a Manchester Worker Bee badge, Blossoms vinyl and mini Vernon Bear -Credit:Vernon Building Society

The full list of items included in the time capsule:

  1. A copy of the first minutes from The Vernon Building Society on March 27 1924

  2. A graphene coin, a piece of Concretene (graphene enhanced concrete) and a GIM Concrete coaster donated by the GEIC (Graphene Innovations Manchester and Concretene) and partners part of Graphene@Manchester

  3. 2024 Royal Mint UK Brilliant Uncirculated Definitive 8 coin King Charles set

  4. March 27 2024 edition of the Manchester Evening News

  5. Miniature hat donated by Stockport’s Hat Works Museum

  6. Manchester worker bee pin badge

  7. Coronation Street keyring

  8. Stockport Council Freesheet, ‘Stockport Change Here’ which celebrates Stockport being the Town of Culture in 2023/4

  9. Vernon Building Society’s Vernon Bear soft toy

  10. A Blossoms 7” vinyl

  11. Stockport County scarf

  12. St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School unform tie and some examples of HT rewards, which are given to children for outstanding work or behaviour

  13. News article revealing Stockport has been named the best place to live in the North West by The Sunday Times from March 2024

  14. ‘It’s a No-Money Day’ children’s book by Kate Milner exploring a family’s trip to a foodbank and living below the poverty line

  15. Pop Bubble Fidget Toy

  16. Letter to the people of Stockport from Stockport Mayor, Councillor Graham Greenhalgh