Time to end the sleaze says woman bidding to become first female mayor of New York

New York Mayor candidate Maya Wiley with Vice President Kamala Harris  - Instagram
New York Mayor candidate Maya Wiley with Vice President Kamala Harris - Instagram

With a mix of shock and indignation, New Yorkers have watched on as an ever-expanding sex scandal has threatened to bring down some of its highest-profile politicians.

Woman after woman has come forward in recent weeks with torrid allegations of harassment and abuse - not only against the three-term governor Andrew Cuomo, but a host of others too.

Enter Maya Wiley, who has positioned herself as an antidote to the "toxic male politics" and hopes the current charged climate will pave the way for the first woman mayor in New York's history when the city goes to the polls in the coming weeks.

“Right now we are at an inflection point and it’s time for a change,” Ms Wiley, a black civil rights attorney who is currently leading the pack, told The Sunday Telegraph from the campaign trial. “I’m unapologetically running as a woman and I’m unapologetically going to say it is our time.

“I’m going to call this out and say why it matters that we be seen as leaders,” said 57-year-old Ms Wiley.

Governor Andrew Cuomo holds the face of an uncomfortable Anna Ruch at a wedding
Governor Andrew Cuomo holds the face of an uncomfortable Anna Ruch at a wedding

The allegations have shocked some. The women have accused the 63-year-old governor of inappropriate touching, of showering them with unwanted affection, and of creating a generally uncomfortable working environment for female employees. Mr Cuomo, who is facing an investigation, has denied the claims.

A recent New York Times article, meanwhile, described the state capitol as having a "college campus atmosphere”, a veritable hotbed of sexual impropriety.

A top official is said to have projected a photograph of a female colleague in a bikini during a meeting she was attending. One young aide accused an older senator of telling her she looked like a “Bond girl” as they sat together in the chamber.

For many others - particularly those who have been deeply entrenched in New York politics over the years - they came as no surprise.

“This really is about something wider, it’s about an old male guard holding on to power rather than understanding what this country is today and who is in it,” said Ms Wiley, who has been one of a handful of the 15 or so declared Democratic candidates to publicly call for Mr Cuomo’s resignation.

“I know what it’s like to sit across the table from a boss who asks you if you believe in monogamy,” she said recently, sharing a MeToo story of her own with her tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. “So many have been in the shoes of these women. I promise you now, I will never fail to call it out when I see it.”

Maya Wiley says she is "unapologetically" running as a woman - Press Office for Maya Wiley
Maya Wiley says she is "unapologetically" running as a woman - Press Office for Maya Wiley

New York has had 109 mayors but never a woman - and only one black man - making it an anomaly among the US’s more progressive cities. Chicago, Washington DC, Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta and Las Vegas are currently all run by women. Some of them elected their first female mayors as far back as the Seventies.

New York pundits have their own theories about why it is so challenging for women running for office.

“I’m not sure we’re as progressive in New York as we like to think we are,” said Dianne Morales, another mayoral hopeful. Ms Wiley agreed.

The city, with its some nine million residents living cheek-by-jowl, is known for its competitive, sharp-elbows culture, and politicians like Mr Cuomo (whose slogan is “New York Tough”), have long played to that masochism.

“It is hard because we've got a long history of not seeing women and women of all races and colours as leaders,” Ms Wiley said. "2021 is their time to come forward and shine."

Ms Wiley, who has raised the most money of all the female candidates, has been polling behind the current frontrunner, Andrew Yang - a tech millionaire who made a short-lived run for president in 2020.

Mr Yang, 46, is also hoping to stomp new ground by becoming the first Asian mayor, at a time when anti-Asian sentiment has never been higher in the city. He has focused on economic revival, pushing for “vaccine passports” to get businesses reopened and commuters back to offices.

Mayoral candidate Andrew Yang and family visit Amusement Park on Coney Island, New York - Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Shutterstock 
Mayoral candidate Andrew Yang and family visit Amusement Park on Coney Island, New York - Lev Radin/Pacific Press/Shutterstock

Opponents have accused him of being a fair-weather New Yorker, however, after he admitted to abandoning his family's “small” two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan for Upstate during the worst of the pandemic.

Ms Wiley’s team believes his early lead has more to do with name recognition - half the battle in US politics - than it has to do with the success of his campaign.

With the Democratic primaries weeks away in June and over 50 per cent of voters still undecided, the race is still wide open. Whoever wins the nomination can be confident they will go on to win the election in November. While an upset is possible, there have been only four Republican mayors in the last 100 years.

Ms Wiley, a mother of two daughters, is among the more liberal of the candidates and her five-year plan to create 100,000 jobs in the wake of the Covid crisis has helped her win the support of New York’s biggest unions.

The Brooklyn-based daughter of two civil rights activists began her career with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Legal Defense Fund in 1992 before joining the civil rights division at the office of the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. She gained prominence, and a large social media following, later as a legal analyst on MSNBC.

Ms Wiley, who marched alongside the Black Lives Matter protesters last summer, told The Telegraph she did not think the recent police funding cuts went far enough.

“We need to recognise that what demonstrators, rightly and smartly, were calling for was investment in communities that had not received their due and what they deserve, like better schools, better mental health services, more jobs,” she said.

Three-term governor Andrew Cuomo has refused to stand down, saying he will wait for the findings of an investigation - AP
Three-term governor Andrew Cuomo has refused to stand down, saying he will wait for the findings of an investigation - AP

She said she supports a "truth and reconciliation" commission to come to terms with the US's “long history of racism”, as well as what she calls a justice fund, which would allocate millions of dollars to communities with high gun violence rates.

With a plethora of strong female contenders it has never been more likely that New York will elect a woman mayor. But experts say it will still be an uphill battle at the ballot box.

In the 2013 race, then-candidate Christine Quinn lost to Mayor Bill de Blasio in the primary after voters said they found her “unlikable,” an epithet often used for female politicians but rarely ever for male ones. And while women tend to have greater grassroots support, it rarely translates to major donor money.

“All you can do is be authentic. Voters can sense it if you're not,” said Ms Wiley, who namechecked long-time friend Kamala Harris, the first female and first-ever black vice president, as her biggest inspiration. “Women need to run as the person they are, not as who others think they should be.”