Time running out to apply for voter ID in the upcoming police and crime commissioner elections

Time running out to apply for voter ID
Time running out to apply for voter ID -Credit:Getty

Time is running out to apply for voter ID in the upcoming police and crime commissioner elections. Five candidates will be vying to be Leicestershire’s new police commissioner next month, and in order to vote, you will need photo ID.

The requirement for photo ID was introduced by the UK Government last year and applies to most elections including police and crime commissioner and local by-elections.

If you do not have any of the accepted forms of photo ID and you want to vote, you will need to apply for a free voter authority certificate. This is a free photo ID specific for the purposes of voting.

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The deadline for your voter authority certificate application to be received by the government website is 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday April 24 for the upcoming election being held on Thursday, May 2.

If you turn up to a polling station with no acceptable photographic identification, you will be asked to leave and come back with ID. If you cannot provide an acceptable form of ID, you will not be issued with a ballot paper.

Acceptable forms of identification are listed on the government website, these include: a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence (full or provisional), a UK passport, a blue badge, and a voter authority certificate.

You can also use one of these travel passes as photo ID when you vote - an older person’s bus pass, a disabled person’s bus pass. Check the government website for the full list.

The government website states: "The photo on your ID must look like you. You can still use your ID even if it has expired."