A timeline of Reeva Steenkamp's death as Oscar Pistorius is now released on parole

reeva steenkamp and oscar pistorius
Oscar Pistorius released from prison: a timelineGallo Images / Contributor - Getty Images

Oscar Pistorius has been released from prison on parole, after nearly a decade since the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

Under the South African legal system, the Paralympic athlete, now 37, is eligible for parole after serving more than half his total life sentence, which in 2017 was set at 13 years and five months.

Officials have confirmed that Pistorius is now "at home", believed to be now staying with his uncle Arnold Pistorius in Pretoria, South Africa’s capital.

While he is no longer in prison, Pistorius has a strict set of conditions set by the parole board, including anger management courses, programmes around gender-based violence and a blanket ban on speaking to the press until 2029.

reeva steenkamp and oscar pistorius
AFP - Getty Images

It’s the latest development following the tragic murder of Steenkamp in 2013. Pistorius shot the law graduate, 29, multiple times through a door while she stayed at his house. Pistorius went on to claim he had mistaken his Steenkamp for an intruder.

Here’s a rundown of what happened in the run up of Steenkamp’s murder, with Pistorius falling from grace from South Africa’s hero to reviled murderer.

22 November 1986: Oscar Pistorius is born

Pistorius was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, to Hanke and Sheila Pistorius. As a result of a congenital defect, the future Paralympic champion had to have both feet amputated just before his first birthday.

Pistorius credits his mother Sheila, who died when he was just 15, for being a major influence in his life. It was Sheila who didn’t want her son to be defined by his disability, telling him: "Your brother puts on his shoes, you put on your legs."

He was active and sporty, before a knee injury playing rugby in 2003 saw him turn his attention to running. He was fitted with two running blades (which earned him the moniker Blade Runner) and quickly became lauded as one of South Africa’s greatest athletes.

2004 – 2012: Oscar Pistorius’s sporting career

Hailed as ‘the fastest man on no legs’, Pistorius took the gold medal for the 200m at the Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece, in 2004. It’s a feat he replicated three times in Beijing in 2008, winning gold for the 100, 200 and 400m respectively. He took a gold medal once more for the London 2012 Paralympics for the 400m, as well as for the 100m relay. Pistorius also made history for being the first double amputee to run in the Olympic Games in 2012, also being on South Africa’s Olympic relay team.

Pistorius's success made him a celebrity in his home country on par with David Beckham. Away from the track, Pistorius, a self-confessed adrenalin junkie, developed a passion for women, fast cars, boats, bikes and guns, and he even had two pet white tigers.

oscar pistorius at 2012 olympics london
Paul Gilham - Getty Images

In a report by Cosmopolitan UK in 2014, Pistorius was reportedly surviving on caffeine pills and coffee to keep his adrenalin pumping, which inevitably led to insomnia. Unable to sleep, he would often head to a local shooting range with his arsenal of weapons. Shortly before the London Olympics, he tweeted on his way to the range, "Amped to the max! Yeaaah boi!!"

November 2012: Reeva Steenkamp meets Oscar Pistorius

Model and lawyer Reeva Steenkamp, then 29, was introduced to Pistorius via mutual friends. The pair reportedly had their first date at a red carpet event. Pistorius even described Steenkamp as "the love of his life."

However, friends close to Steenkamp were surprised at the fast-moving relationship. Pepi Dimevski, a friend of Steenkamp, told Cosmopolitan UK in 2014: "I thought, 'What the hell is she doing with him?' I told her, 'It doesn't matter how famous he is. His name is not good around people on the street.' "

reeva steenkamp
Gallo Images - Getty Images

Meanwhile, Cecil Myers, the father of Steenkamp’s best friend, added: "[Oscar] was very nice and charming to us when they started dating. At first he always came in to say hello. But when they began to date steadily, he just dropped her off and picked her up. That's not right. Oscar was hasty and impatient, and very moody – that's my impression of him.

"Reeva told me he pushed her a bit into a corner; she felt caged in. I told her I would talk to him."

14 February 2013: Reeva Steenkamp is shot dead by Oscar Pistorius

While Steenkamp was in a locked bathroom cubicle in Pistorius’s Pretoria home, the athlete fired four gunshots – three of which hit Steenkamp. After using a cricket bat to break down the door to reach the model, Pistorius saw that her wounds were fatal. He was charged two days later with Steenkamp’s murder.

3 March 2014: Oscar Pistorius’s trial begins

Having previously been released on bail, Pistorius’s trial began. He acknowledged he was responsible for shooting Steenkamp, but claimed it was a case of mistaken identity – he believed Steenkamp was an intruder. This was disputed by police, who claimed neighbours has noises before the shots were fired and that there had been previous domestic incidents at the house.

oscar pistorius in the dock
Pool - Getty Images

The trial saw Pistorius show great level of distress throughout his testimony, where he was seen crying, howling and even at some points, vomiting. A psychological assessment also saw Pistorius reportedly suffering from PTSD following the shooting. However, prosecutors disputed this, with one claiming Pistorius's emotional response was as a result of lawyers not believing his narrative.

21 October 2014: Oscar Pistorius is sentenced

Judge Thokozile Masipa delivered a verdict that Pistorius was not guilty of murder but guilty of the culpable homicide of Steenkamp, he was sentenced to a maximum of five years.

December 2015: Oscar Pistorius’s sentence is overturned

While Pistorius was briefly released in October the same year on parole, prosecutors had appealed his conviction and in December 2015, the Supreme Court of Appeal overturned the conviction for culpable homicide, finding him guilty of murder instead.

November 2017: Oscar Pistorius’s sentence is lengthened

The new conviction also saw Pistorius’s sentenced increased to 15 years – with the time he had already served reducing the time to an additional 13 years and five months.

5 January 2024: Oscar Pistorius is released on parole

Now no longer in prison, Pistorius is now under strict parole conditions, which include anger management programmes around gender-based violence and a ban on speaking to journalists.

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Pool - Getty Images

In response to Pistorius’s release, Steenkamp’s mother, June, wrote in a lengthy statement: "Has there been justice for Reeva? Has Oscar served enough time? There can never be justice if your loved one is never coming back, and no amount of time served will bring Reeva back. We, who remain behind, are the ones serving a life sentence."

She added she now hoped to live in peace, and focus on the Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation, a charity set up in her daughter’s name.

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