Tiverton Bowling Club kicks off 2024 season with a splash

Tiverton Bowling Club held their opening of the green for the 2024 season on April 13. The weather was kind however due to the huge amounts of rain they have had recently, they were unable to hold our usual internal competition, as the green was unplayable. A large group of club members enjoyed hot cross buns and drinks, which set the scene for the coming season.

A spokesperson for the club said: “ Tiverton Bowling club is the oldest of the three clubs in Tiverton and is situated in Peoples Park amid the beautiful gardens and trees, adjacent to the children’s play area. Bowlers from visiting clubs often mention how busy the park is, and how lovely it is to hear children enjoying themselves and sharing family time.

“Although Tiverton Bowling club is the smallest in the town, it still manages to have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, with club members always ready to welcome visitors, either to watch or hopefully to come and have a try. Bowls is a wonderful way to make new friends and is a sport which allows men and women, of all ages, to take part on equal terms. It is also a great way to keep those aches and pains at bay, in a gentle and fun way. There are many different games to play: friendlies, over sixties, East of Exe and the more competitive County and National games.

“If you are looking for a new pastime, then why not give bowls a try, it’s not just for the older generation, you only need to look on the television to see how many younger people are taking up this sport. It is not only fun, it challenges you in unexpected ways.” You can find out a bit more about Tiverton Bowling Club by looking on their website.