Tiverton's 'Bumpy Club' toasts long-lasting German friendship

The "Bumpy Club," a close-knit group of Tiverton residents, is marking 40 years of enduring friendship with their German counterparts.

This unique bond traces back to a serendipitous encounter over four decades ago.

Clifford Williams, a founding member of The Bumpy Club, reminisces: "Forty-one years ago, as a member of the Round Table Club, I was informed by East Devon College about German families coming over to improve their English. They asked if anyone could host them, and I volunteered."

This initial act of hospitality blossomed into a deep and lasting connection.

Clifford recalls the early days vividly: "We hosted a German family – parents and two boys – for three weeks. Our friends John and Patsy even ran a pig roast to entertain our guests. The Germans were so touched by our hospitality that they invited us to Hochheim for their wine festival in July."

This invitation was eagerly accepted by Williams and his friends, sparking the inception of a private twinning.

The tradition continued with mutual visits, fostering individual friendships that extended beyond the group.

Clifford adds: “Sadly, some couples are no longer with us, but the club's strength has been tremendous. Now, we're celebrating our 40th anniversary."

The name "The Bumpy Club" originated humorously from a German member's description of feeling "a little bumpy" after enjoying some drinks.