Todd Cantwell branded Rangers 'cardboard hardman' as Hearts legend delivers brutal putdown

Hearts strike legend John Robertson branded Rangers playmaker Todd Cantwell a “cardboard hardman” during Saturday’s thrilling last-day Scottish Premiership clash at Tynecastle.

Cantwell scored his seventh goal of the season for the Light Blues but he copped flak from the home support. The 26-year-old former Norwich City star has become a target for opposition players and punters during his time north of the border.

And after a challenge from Cantwell on former Rangers man Barrie McKay, which had the home fans baying for referee Don Robertson to take action, Jambos legend Robertson said during BBC commentary: “I don’t think there was much in it - I think it (the fans reaction) was on the back of Cantwell shoving (Yutaro) Oda earlier on.

“But Cantwell is another one who frustrates you for the other reasons. He’s got so much talent but to me he’s a bit of cardboard hardman. He thinks he’s hard and acts it but just do your talking with your feet because he’s got all the ability in the world.”

Cantwell was also involved in a coming together with Jambos striker Kenneth Vargas with the Costa Rican shoulder barging the Gers man to the floor. Whistler Robertson had to intervene to split the pair up and Vargas later took to social media to troll the Ibrox man, posting a picture of the altercation ncident on Twitter with a 'kiss' emoji.