Toddler stuns Cornwall beachgoers with impromptu 'God Save the King' performance

A three-year-old tot wowed a beach with his God Sav the King rendition
-Credit: (Image: Jessica Loach / SWNS)

A sports-loving youngster has amazed onlookers with his spot-on performance of 'God Save the King'. The delightful footage captures three year old Maximus Stafford belting out the national anthem while enjoying a family holiday in Cornwall.

Remarkably, young Maximus has learned the anthem by ear, having absorbed it during televised rugby and football games. He left beachgoers impressed during the impromptu performance at Kynance Cove, on the Lizard peninsula.

His mother, Charlotte Loach, 38, a headteacher from Tanworth-in-Arden, Warwickshire, shared: "So many people stopped still in shock. People were clapping, saying to each other 'oh my goodness, did you just see that?."

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She said one person even saluted the tot. It's as Maximus began to pick up 'God Save the King' while watching the Six Nations last year and now sings or hums it nearly every day.

Charlotte recounted: "We were so shocked the first time he sung it. We never formally taught him."

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"He's just picked it up and we have corrected some of his words along the way. He sings it most days and always hums it when he's playing."

"He even likes to get people to put their arms around each other like the real players. So many people stopped still in shock. People were clapping, saying to each other 'oh my goodness, did you just see that? '".