Toiletries top items we're happy to steal - with dressing gowns also on list

Miniature toiletries are the items we feel most comfortable taking from a hotel, according to new research. More than a third admit they have cleared the bathroom of toiletries before they checked out, while others are happy taking food, mugs, toilet rolls, glasses, dressing gowns and ashtrays.

Paddy Power asked people what they would be happiest to take without permission to mark the launch of the game Paddy’s Mansion Heist.

Other items that Brits reveal to have nabbed, include their favourite condiment bottles/sachets from restaurants (27%) and sugar/sweetener (26%). Some of the more obscure items to come out from the research are dressing gowns from a hotel (15%), ashtrays (12%), and 5.4m (8%) confess to cashing in on the spare change their family and friends leave lying around.

Top 10 items Brits have ‘borrowed’ without permission

1 st

Miniature toiletries from a hotel


2 nd

Condiment bottles/sachets from hospitality venues


3 rd

Sugar and sweetener sachets from hospitality venues


4 th

A coffee mug/teacup


5 th

Toilet rolls


6 th

Favourite beer glass from a pub/bar/restaurant


7 th

Dressing gowns from a hotel


8 th

Cutlery from a hospitality venue


9 th

Tester bottles for beauty products


10 th =

Salt and pepper shakers


10 th =

An ashtray


Age plays a significant factor in living a lawless life as 92% of 18-24’s admit they’d take an item without permission. This is compared to 84% of 25–34-year-olds who said they’d take something, following by 82% of the 35-44 age group. And it’s the over 55s who are the least likely to involve themselves in this act, with only 68% confessing that they would.