All the Tonbridge General Election candidates 2024 who are after your vote

Voters in Tonbridge have seven candidates to choose from
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images/Moonstone Images)

The General Election on July 4 is rapidly approaching and voters in Tonbridge constituency will have seven candidates to choose from.

Candidates from Labour, the Conservatives, Lib Dems, Green Party and Reform UK are all standing alongside options from the Social Democratic Party and The Independent Alliance (Kent).

The new Tonbridge constituency is largely made up of the former Tonbridge and Malling seat, which was held by the Conservatives through its 50-year life, with a few thousand former Sevenoaks voters added in.

We asked the candidates seeking to claim it to sum up their key priorities in 200 words.

READ MORE: Kent General Election Candidates 2024: Everyone standing across the county

Lewis Bailey, Labour Party

For the past 14 years, Britain has gone through crisis after crisis. The country needs change, and it needs a Labour government. As the Labour candidate for Tonbridge, I will put your needs first. I won’t take a second job, and will live in the constituency full time and commute into Parliament every day on the train.

I’ve earnt the minimum wage for the majority of my working life so I know what it’s like to struggle on a low income job. The cost of childcare is a struggle for everyone across the constituency, and a Labour government will support the expansion of after school programmes so children can participate in more activities such as art, music and sport, to help broaden the horizons of our young people.

From Hartley to Tonbridge to Edenbridge, I will be a champion for the people of the constituency and have surgeries twice a month rotated across the constituency to ensure everyone gets the opportunity to speak to their local representative.

Anna Cope, Green Party

I have lived in Tonbridge for over 12 years, with my husband, two children, and my rescue cat.

I am head of department at a Tonbridge state secondary school, teaching English and Media Studies, as well as having had the honour of being elected twice to the borough council.

Living and working in Tonbridge gives me an understanding of the difficulties facing residents, particularly young people and businesses. I have been frustrated during my time as a councillor that I’ve been hampered by national policies, such as the imposition housing targets that are not based on local needs, and the loss of funding to local government leading to service cuts, such as youth services.

This is why the people of Tonbridge constituency need a local representative at Westminster: I would be a local voice for them on the national stage. As a councillor, I have spoken against unwelcome developments and raised concerns over women’s safety in Tonbridge town.

The Green Party puts people and the planet at the heart of everything they do, pushing for investment in the NHS and recognising the need for better access to services for physical and mental health. Vote Green for a fairer, better country.

Ian Grattidge, Social Democratic Party

In an election we are asked to choose between competing party manifestos and to select the party that best reflects our own ideas, values and aspirations. Too often recently I feel we have had the illusion of choice but not the reality.

I strongly believe voters need to have a real choice in this election: and the opportunity to give their support for policies that will make a difference to their daily lives. That is why the SDP is fielding candidates in over 100 constituencies across the UK. The SDP offers a different vision for the future and in particular a brighter future for our young people. We have set out plans for a comprehensive programme of council house building to make good the decline of affordable housing in recent years. We also have plans to support families through the tax system, for investment in skills training and a wide-ranging overhaul of public services. The aim is to reinvigorate family life; the strength of our local communities and to rebuild the country as a whole. If elected I will work tirelessly to make your voice heard in Parliament.

Teresa Hansford, Reform UK

It is a privilege to be the Reform UK parliamentary candidate and I am honoured to be representing the Tonbridge constituency.

As a local resident and business owner I strive to my very best for both the people and the area.

I will continue to work tirelessly for Tonbridge and have a genuine interest in the town, its people and surrounding area.

Reform UK policies reflect the views of millions who yearn for a balanced, fair and rewarding society, this is not being delivered and the current government are culpable.

I will strive for common sense policies, transparency, competence and accountability. I am an advocate for freedom of speech, protecting our individual liberties and championing our British values.

We need a re-set of British politics. First past the post makes it very difficult for new, challenging parties like ours, but the more people who vote for us and for change the more likely we are to achieve fair representation in parliament.

Let’s work together…let’s make Britain Great again!

Tom Tugendhat - The Conservative Party

It has been my privilege to serve much of our community since 2015. I would welcome support to continue my work across Tonbridge, Edenbridge and the surrounding villages, and start representing Hartley, New Ash Green, Ash and Hodsoll Street in Parliament at the General Election on Thursday 4 July.

As an MP I’m pleased to have delivered improvements across our area, from new health facilities including Edenbridge Memorial Health Centre to flood defences through the Leigh Flood Storage Area expansion.

But there is more to do. Whether it is regenerating towns like Tonbridge or securing better rail connections to Gatwick, I’ll fight for better services and value for money for every town and village across our community.

I’m determined to make sure our community remains a great place to live. I hope you will elect me as a strong voice for Tonbridge, Edenbridge and North Downs Villages.

John Woollcombe – Liberal Democrats

There is huge apathy and mistrust of politicians today.

I too, am a more disaffected voter than personally ambitious politician. I haven’t followed a political career path. I see that as a strength not a weakness.

I qualified as a barrister and for 35 years have been a self-employed entrepreneur. I have high professional standards and want to use my advocacy, negotiating and problem-solving skills to improve things for Tonbridge constituents.

I care deeply about the environment, climate change and the future for the next generation, but I believe the green agenda is also a huge economic opportunity at the heart of the Lib Dem industrial strategy for prosperity.

I am angry at the toxic political climate, scandals and incompetence of recent years and I worry about the rise of extreme elements in politics here and abroad. I want to champion Liberal Democrat values and the fact we are a unified, centrist party with no such divisive elements in the wings.

My mission is to bring honesty and a higher level of rigour and competence to politics both in Tonbridge and in Westminster and to be a credible alternative for disenchanted voters.

Tim Shaw, Independence Alliance (Kent)

We attempted to contact Tim Shaw for his statement but did not receive a response.