It’s too easily forgotten that Christianity was the great liberator

Harrison Butker's address to Benedict College students raised eyebrows
Harrison Butker's address to Benedict College students raised eyebrows - Nick Ingram /AP

As a former convent-school girl myself, I watched Harrison Butker’s now-infamous speech to the girls of Benedictine College, Kansas, with some bemusement. It was not at all the sort of thing our nuns would have approved of.

Butker – a V-shaped American footballer with teeth so white they could light his way at night – prides himself on his muscular Catholicism. He began his speech by congratulating the girls on their academic achievements, but then warned them not to fall for the “diabolical lies” of liberal feminism. True fulfilment, he said, comes from “accepting your lane and staying in it”.

“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world,” he conceded, “but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into the world.” Voice trembling, he reflected that his own achievements would not have been possible had Mrs Butker not “embraced one of the most important titles of all – homemaker”.

Leaving aside the rights and wrongs of Butker’s argument, a convent school is a very strange place to be making it. The nuns who founded Benedictine College were, by definition, women who chose not to become “homemakers”. They opted out of all the traditionally feminine roles that a man like Butker would approve of – marriage, motherhood – in order to pursue a life of the mind and spirit.

It is often forgotten, especially by so-called “traditionalists”, that in its earliest days, Christianity was a liberating force for women. While the Greeks and Romans took a dim view of female capabilities, and the Old Testament blamed Eve for everything, Jesus treated women with revolutionary kindness and respect. And they responded by flocking to the new faith – far outnumbering male converts for several centuries. “O ye men, who fear all the burdens imposed by baptism, you are easily beaten by your women,” chided St Augustine. “It is their presence in great numbers that causes the Church to grow.”

There were practical, as well as spiritual, reasons for this. Christianity forbade both infanticide and abortion. In Roman households, it had been men who decided which pregnancies should be aborted – a common but brutal procedure which killed many women. Men also decided which babies should be “exposed” (left outside to die). Since most were girls, the spread of Christianity actually increased the female population.

Christian women were also allowed to marry later than their pagan contemporaries, which meant they were more likely to survive childbirth. And Christianity even enabled women, for the first time, to reject men altogether. Choosing a life of pious celibacy meant not having to submit to the will of an earthly husband; but it was also a form of basic birth control. At a time when childbirth was often lethal, the Church offered women a choice about whether or not to reproduce. Ah, the irony.

“Our Catholic faith has always been counter-cultural,” declared Butker in his tirade against modernity. This is true, but not necessarily in the way he imagines. The Church he loves might never have achieved global domination if not for its early female converts. Those women were counter-cultural in the most meaningful sense: they changed the world by refusing to stay in their lane.